For my part I see that until we recognise the working of misidentification within our own mind - we will play out the drama of a house divided. Yet the Spirit of God is one - so if I see division or conflict I am yet looking through the lens of a conflicted mind. Identification with self image is not the truth of our being - yet while we want it to be true we assert and defend it - not only against those to whom we give the role of 'other' or enemy - but against allowing the conditions in which healing would become necessary and obvious. Simply because all things are judged in terms of gain or threat to the self we accept as true.
To be able to bring the mind to look upon and re-evaluate its own identifications of belief and experience is the work of Grace - (not the intervention of an Outside Power - but the opening within of a Prior Nature or Condition). The willingness to accept wholing is a shift in purpose and perspective that becomes an awakening of life from true roots. This willingness becomes the purpose to which all experience must be surrendered of the interpretations that arise from the limited and limiting illusion of self will. Because this is freely undertaken as the heart's truth - it is a discovery of miracle, true joy and compassion - and not one of martyrdom, sacrifice or self denial.
But those latter are the expectations of the unawakened mind, to whom the touch and reminder of the demonstration of the Living Spirit is truly helpful in passing through fear. "Of myself I can do nothing" - but in willingness to be used by Spirit nothing will be left undone.
To be willing to look upon the horror of the split in our mind at its root and become free of the compulsion to 'do' anything from our own thought or judgement, is to 'hold the hand' of our Spirit and be restored to the vision that sees past all appearance to the Eternal.
From such a Wellspring - is the world 'made anew', for the desire that acted out from a past that seemed to have denied, killed or lost the Innocence of Being - is undone of any basis of identification or meaning. Such a peace is not a counterpart of war - but is Perfect Inclusion - or perhaps it is closer to say without any division or exclusion of all That (it) Is.
In Peace
Peace on Earth?
'end of the world',
Eternal Life,
innocent perception,