
Being here now

Illusion is a thought derived reality.
A mind engages in it and become mesmerised by its own thought.
While it does so it has, in effect, put reality on hold - even though reality is the only thing going on.
Suddenly realizing that one is driving over the line - even if being told so - is an awakening.
Keep the awakening by grateful acknowledgement -but release the 'thinking' reactions of "what does that say about me".

A sense of wrongness or inadequacy is to be awakened from - and not to be made the basis of living for or toward some other moment - some other self - than what God is - with and within you - now.

Why not turn your question on its head?
What can you possibly do to maintain thinking and lose the current appreciation of reality?

It isn't the thinking as such - but the use to which it is being put - that makes it serve as a distraction. Nothing is experienced the way it is by accident. There are intentions at work that frame or form our perception and experience.

If you don't know your intention is effectively choosing - how can you choose anew?

The desire to know truth is of God. Though you could just as well say it is utterly innate to who and what you really are.
The direct way is to abandon self effort and listen or discern for the intimations of Life.
'Let the dead bury the dead and follow me'.
Only the living can hear this as Life calling.

Enjoy this moment and rest in the joy.
Is this not like saying come into the Kingdom of Life?
Be the love that you are. This is where all power to refuse the deceiver is found.

The body as an energetic - is a tingling of vitality. Its flow has subtler currents that love you - lets just start with 'happy feet'. Being present with immediate experience is letting the Godness of Life rise to recognition. To let Life in is to awaken to the all pervading Life.

The i-thought will attempt rejoin - and interrupt - while it has your back stage pass. You get to see it trying to pass off as you in tricksy ways. But in the seeing - it is clear that this is not you.

I had a stage of intense discipline for staying present - until I caught myself in the act and saw the way i was maintaining separation thereby.

What the love - or the Life - prompts us to do - is of a different starting place than any of our best intentions. If your Holy Spirit speaks to you in this or anything - it is for you to value it truly - not by associating with the ideas - but in the opening of your heart.

in Love's blessing