The blight of sin brings,
pervasive lack of light.
All things are turned to hate,
and none so hateful as this self.
Shunning light is but
calling for darkness
to cover the love in which such hurt is felt
with thoughts of any self regard,
to put the hate outside,
that some fragment of a self
can grasp at a moments relief,
amidst inescapable torment.
Truth in stillness,
most intimate,
does not know
such maddening mind
excepting to remind you of this:
What do you desire be true?
For here is the way illusion rose
to fascinate an entranced attention.
And yet here now are the steps retraced,
before a split in mind occurred.
Give way to what is always wholly given,
and let all things be released
to speak of life anew.
There is no other Life than this,
that Lives and Moves and Knows its Being.
O Living Love.
in Gratitude
Loveless-ness undone
align with truth,
healed perception,
Dispelling a deception of conflict, confusion and suffering
The Spirit of God is One and neither are you divided. We are deceived in any belief that gives rise to a war within self as in any way meaningful. Love does not fight fear - but is the condition in which fear is undone - or absent.
The error or delusion of conflicted self - and its experience of being a private separated organism or mind - gives rise to a compelling sense of suffering in a world of limitation and opposition - because that is the nature of the ‘self’ or reality thought that is currently accepted.
While so engaged, the mind is mesmerized in a self-assertive and self-protective activity that can have no abiding resolution because it is not expressing a self that is real. Yet while the desire is in motion, attention is not free to discover that one is entirely missing the point.
In sane and calm light, any error of conflicted desire or thought or experience is simply the call for immediate correction and nothing else. But such sanity is implicitly hidden by delusion - and the mind blindly reenacts old scripts that effectively perpetuate the condition of identifying with the false - and thus remaining ignorant of truth. Such is the seed of conflict - for how can the false be true without making the true seem false? - and who can rest in the confusion of defending against truth?
The way of awakening grows from a shift in purpose; a true change of heart; the desire for peace and sanity - as a directly felt experience from which to truly live. Despite the old mind of fear, control and survival, the new is welcomed and nurtured - yet in secret from the mind that would simply use all things for its own power.
This brings insight into the effects of one’s own desire and thought, such that delusional or self-destructive thought and intent is recognized as it is, instead of being experienced as if one is victim to the situation it seems to create. And such insight increasingly grows a capacity to not reenact the past - but instead to be guided and restored to a present and heartfelt unconflicted appreciation of life.
The plans of the mind based on the past always look to a future resolution, but the way of reintegrating mind with Itself restores an uniterrupted sense of self and life presently, for no assertion of self-will is interrupting the flow of being, feeling, awareness that is the living context of you - rather than any self image.
Stop it, drop it, and be renewed in the always fresh appreciation of reality as it is. For what we ‘drop’ is the desire and its means - that would hold reality to be as we tell it.
The belief-desire that 'I am of myself a power' is the nature of all error. For true power is power because it shares itself. Any attempt to force upon - or indeed resist against - reality is delusional - for there is no place outside Life from which to lever it. Yet the mind that desired and belieived such power, has ‘given’ its ‘will’ to all that is not under its control. For through the thought says it believes it HAS enacted upon Life so does it believe such power can be enacted upon it.
The only way out of such a bind is to release the desire and belief in such will; To release the judgements of the private or hidden sense of self. This can only be accepted in recognition and willingness by the grace of truth. For it is by Truth that truth is revealed in any mind that rests and abides naked of self-will.
This sense of self that is habituated to correcting mistakes in terms set by judgement – must be rested of its futility and become instead the willingness to let the answer speak through me to raise ‘the dead’. God is not dead. Nor you.
The extension of love is done through willingness – yet the awakening of love is not of a self doing - nor being done to, but transcends such terms in the expression of unified being; Creation.
If I would be free to create, I need be vigilant to not keep error secret from correction .
Truth will dawn on any mind that truly wants it.
But first we may have to recognise the release what we thought we wanted, counter to the nature and flow of being, that is bringing us the experience of opposition, limitation and conflict.
For to fight against the Living Current is not the way of sanity or peace.
Here's something I read today:
"Life never struggles. That which struggles is the consciousness which attempts to limit life and is but the interference to perfection which is forever trying to come through. If the personal self will just let life flow and keep at peace, the manifested result will be perfection, the divine way of life fulfilled."
(author unknown).
To persist in holding for or aligning with the truth as it is felt - even despite syptoms or seeming opposition - is not to struggle - but to hold to constancy and starve the drama of giving it your attention, and thereby validity as a ‘something’ that must be dealt with or answered in the terms it sets. To a mind habituated to survive through complex and shifting conflicts - the releasing of war is a threat. But the whole point is the releasing of the identification with the mind of opposition - and the acceptance of the truth in its terms.
The error or delusion of conflicted self - and its experience of being a private separated organism or mind - gives rise to a compelling sense of suffering in a world of limitation and opposition - because that is the nature of the ‘self’ or reality thought that is currently accepted.
While so engaged, the mind is mesmerized in a self-assertive and self-protective activity that can have no abiding resolution because it is not expressing a self that is real. Yet while the desire is in motion, attention is not free to discover that one is entirely missing the point.
In sane and calm light, any error of conflicted desire or thought or experience is simply the call for immediate correction and nothing else. But such sanity is implicitly hidden by delusion - and the mind blindly reenacts old scripts that effectively perpetuate the condition of identifying with the false - and thus remaining ignorant of truth. Such is the seed of conflict - for how can the false be true without making the true seem false? - and who can rest in the confusion of defending against truth?
The way of awakening grows from a shift in purpose; a true change of heart; the desire for peace and sanity - as a directly felt experience from which to truly live. Despite the old mind of fear, control and survival, the new is welcomed and nurtured - yet in secret from the mind that would simply use all things for its own power.
This brings insight into the effects of one’s own desire and thought, such that delusional or self-destructive thought and intent is recognized as it is, instead of being experienced as if one is victim to the situation it seems to create. And such insight increasingly grows a capacity to not reenact the past - but instead to be guided and restored to a present and heartfelt unconflicted appreciation of life.
The plans of the mind based on the past always look to a future resolution, but the way of reintegrating mind with Itself restores an uniterrupted sense of self and life presently, for no assertion of self-will is interrupting the flow of being, feeling, awareness that is the living context of you - rather than any self image.
Stop it, drop it, and be renewed in the always fresh appreciation of reality as it is. For what we ‘drop’ is the desire and its means - that would hold reality to be as we tell it.
The belief-desire that 'I am of myself a power' is the nature of all error. For true power is power because it shares itself. Any attempt to force upon - or indeed resist against - reality is delusional - for there is no place outside Life from which to lever it. Yet the mind that desired and belieived such power, has ‘given’ its ‘will’ to all that is not under its control. For through the thought says it believes it HAS enacted upon Life so does it believe such power can be enacted upon it.
The only way out of such a bind is to release the desire and belief in such will; To release the judgements of the private or hidden sense of self. This can only be accepted in recognition and willingness by the grace of truth. For it is by Truth that truth is revealed in any mind that rests and abides naked of self-will.
This sense of self that is habituated to correcting mistakes in terms set by judgement – must be rested of its futility and become instead the willingness to let the answer speak through me to raise ‘the dead’. God is not dead. Nor you.
The extension of love is done through willingness – yet the awakening of love is not of a self doing - nor being done to, but transcends such terms in the expression of unified being; Creation.
If I would be free to create, I need be vigilant to not keep error secret from correction .
Truth will dawn on any mind that truly wants it.
But first we may have to recognise the release what we thought we wanted, counter to the nature and flow of being, that is bringing us the experience of opposition, limitation and conflict.
For to fight against the Living Current is not the way of sanity or peace.
Here's something I read today:
"Life never struggles. That which struggles is the consciousness which attempts to limit life and is but the interference to perfection which is forever trying to come through. If the personal self will just let life flow and keep at peace, the manifested result will be perfection, the divine way of life fulfilled."
(author unknown).
To persist in holding for or aligning with the truth as it is felt - even despite syptoms or seeming opposition - is not to struggle - but to hold to constancy and starve the drama of giving it your attention, and thereby validity as a ‘something’ that must be dealt with or answered in the terms it sets. To a mind habituated to survive through complex and shifting conflicts - the releasing of war is a threat. But the whole point is the releasing of the identification with the mind of opposition - and the acceptance of the truth in its terms.
Being the flow,
Being here now
Illusion is a thought derived reality.
A mind engages in it and become mesmerised by its own thought.
While it does so it has, in effect, put reality on hold - even though reality is the only thing going on.
Suddenly realizing that one is driving over the line - even if being told so - is an awakening.
Keep the awakening by grateful acknowledgement -but release the 'thinking' reactions of "what does that say about me".
A sense of wrongness or inadequacy is to be awakened from - and not to be made the basis of living for or toward some other moment - some other self - than what God is - with and within you - now.
Why not turn your question on its head?
What can you possibly do to maintain thinking and lose the current appreciation of reality?
It isn't the thinking as such - but the use to which it is being put - that makes it serve as a distraction. Nothing is experienced the way it is by accident. There are intentions at work that frame or form our perception and experience.
If you don't know your intention is effectively choosing - how can you choose anew?
The desire to know truth is of God. Though you could just as well say it is utterly innate to who and what you really are.
The direct way is to abandon self effort and listen or discern for the intimations of Life.
'Let the dead bury the dead and follow me'.
Only the living can hear this as Life calling.
Enjoy this moment and rest in the joy.
Is this not like saying come into the Kingdom of Life?
Be the love that you are. This is where all power to refuse the deceiver is found.
The body as an energetic - is a tingling of vitality. Its flow has subtler currents that love you - lets just start with 'happy feet'. Being present with immediate experience is letting the Godness of Life rise to recognition. To let Life in is to awaken to the all pervading Life.
The i-thought will attempt rejoin - and interrupt - while it has your back stage pass. You get to see it trying to pass off as you in tricksy ways. But in the seeing - it is clear that this is not you.
I had a stage of intense discipline for staying present - until I caught myself in the act and saw the way i was maintaining separation thereby.
What the love - or the Life - prompts us to do - is of a different starting place than any of our best intentions. If your Holy Spirit speaks to you in this or anything - it is for you to value it truly - not by associating with the ideas - but in the opening of your heart.
in Love's blessing
A mind engages in it and become mesmerised by its own thought.
While it does so it has, in effect, put reality on hold - even though reality is the only thing going on.
Suddenly realizing that one is driving over the line - even if being told so - is an awakening.
Keep the awakening by grateful acknowledgement -but release the 'thinking' reactions of "what does that say about me".
A sense of wrongness or inadequacy is to be awakened from - and not to be made the basis of living for or toward some other moment - some other self - than what God is - with and within you - now.
Why not turn your question on its head?
What can you possibly do to maintain thinking and lose the current appreciation of reality?
It isn't the thinking as such - but the use to which it is being put - that makes it serve as a distraction. Nothing is experienced the way it is by accident. There are intentions at work that frame or form our perception and experience.
If you don't know your intention is effectively choosing - how can you choose anew?
The desire to know truth is of God. Though you could just as well say it is utterly innate to who and what you really are.
The direct way is to abandon self effort and listen or discern for the intimations of Life.
'Let the dead bury the dead and follow me'.
Only the living can hear this as Life calling.
Enjoy this moment and rest in the joy.
Is this not like saying come into the Kingdom of Life?
Be the love that you are. This is where all power to refuse the deceiver is found.
The body as an energetic - is a tingling of vitality. Its flow has subtler currents that love you - lets just start with 'happy feet'. Being present with immediate experience is letting the Godness of Life rise to recognition. To let Life in is to awaken to the all pervading Life.
The i-thought will attempt rejoin - and interrupt - while it has your back stage pass. You get to see it trying to pass off as you in tricksy ways. But in the seeing - it is clear that this is not you.
I had a stage of intense discipline for staying present - until I caught myself in the act and saw the way i was maintaining separation thereby.
What the love - or the Life - prompts us to do - is of a different starting place than any of our best intentions. If your Holy Spirit speaks to you in this or anything - it is for you to value it truly - not by associating with the ideas - but in the opening of your heart.
in Love's blessing
being present,
staying present
Healing the complex, distorted, confusion by which we suffer
Humans use the body lovelessly by making it the 'home' of the ego and yet also a dumping ground for ‘stuffed down’ life in guilt and anger. Yet our body's tangibility and functionality is identifying the presence of our individuality - which is in truth not divisible or in any way separable from God - the Creative, Sustaining and Guiding Intelligence of all in all.
If 'my will be done' is the essential script for setting up the experience of opposition and conflict - fear and guilt - then “Thy Will be done” is the undoing of such a miscreative illusion.
But “Thy Will be done through me - is a necessary realisation, for only thus do we apprehend or relate to anything as it truly is. There is not a separate God that acts upon any thing. Creation is Extension and not separation. As unified Spirit extends through us, so will awakening to - and as - a restoration of wholeness be the result. But healing proceeds as the release of distortion, confusion and complexity - and in a step by step manner that undoes the split in the mind we share in our experience of conflicted being.
The very notion of oneself alone is meaningless. This applies no less to healing. The great need of the sick is to give the love they have denied themselves. Yet first they may need to receive this love from another - and willingness to receive is a tru gift or acknowledgement to the Giver. All love is of God. In opening to love in its truth and vitality is the dawning of the realisation that they are and have always been love - unified, unconflicted, perfect being. This is the truth of the Heart.
What then of the script of the human life? It becomes of service to the waking of our mind, by not being used to tell the story of separate wills. We learn to teach or demonstrate or give what we want to learn, receive or integrate. Such universal law operates regardless of the values held - but awakened love is the unifying sanity in which all true fulfilment unfolds.
The mind in self illusion wants to define and fix and control - and THAT is the essential handicap from which the heart is healed - all else comes from that - for the experience of the loss of the Universal Light is the 'condition' of sin, in which sickness and death inherently proceed.
Yet if false sense of self and its goals are recognised truly - as unwanted, meaningless, undermining of peace and wellbeing, and futile, it is repurposed to serve unified Will. In every truly shared moment we express the Will that aligns with the Movement of Being. The experience of this - directly felt - is of truth unalloyed. It is turning within - to Source - and allowing that to be all that is - right where you are - that undoes the illusion in which we suffer our creations as if they create us - and afflict us. This is not understandable to thought - but to love. And only they can love who are set free of every humourless intent. We bind ourselves. yet none is bound but by an overlooked and ingeniously hidden desire.
Know truth - and truth shows you - you are free. For nothing is but as you have chosen, albeit in ignorance. Is this a madness that if true means you are guilty? No - it means you are called to awake, repent or release the past and embrace now, and thus release the meanings to which you have sought to force your life, your body, your relationships and the world, to validate and support.
These things are for the heart - the direct intelligence of feeling and knowing that is connected to Reality - to God and thus to all in all.
The recognition that reconnection and renewal and healing is an ultimate priority is often because of hitting ‘bottom’ with regard for attempts to live disconnected, in self illusion and in increasingly meaningless habits of thought and deed.
If 'my will be done' is the essential script for setting up the experience of opposition and conflict - fear and guilt - then “Thy Will be done” is the undoing of such a miscreative illusion.
But “Thy Will be done through me - is a necessary realisation, for only thus do we apprehend or relate to anything as it truly is. There is not a separate God that acts upon any thing. Creation is Extension and not separation. As unified Spirit extends through us, so will awakening to - and as - a restoration of wholeness be the result. But healing proceeds as the release of distortion, confusion and complexity - and in a step by step manner that undoes the split in the mind we share in our experience of conflicted being.
The very notion of oneself alone is meaningless. This applies no less to healing. The great need of the sick is to give the love they have denied themselves. Yet first they may need to receive this love from another - and willingness to receive is a tru gift or acknowledgement to the Giver. All love is of God. In opening to love in its truth and vitality is the dawning of the realisation that they are and have always been love - unified, unconflicted, perfect being. This is the truth of the Heart.
What then of the script of the human life? It becomes of service to the waking of our mind, by not being used to tell the story of separate wills. We learn to teach or demonstrate or give what we want to learn, receive or integrate. Such universal law operates regardless of the values held - but awakened love is the unifying sanity in which all true fulfilment unfolds.
The mind in self illusion wants to define and fix and control - and THAT is the essential handicap from which the heart is healed - all else comes from that - for the experience of the loss of the Universal Light is the 'condition' of sin, in which sickness and death inherently proceed.
Yet if false sense of self and its goals are recognised truly - as unwanted, meaningless, undermining of peace and wellbeing, and futile, it is repurposed to serve unified Will. In every truly shared moment we express the Will that aligns with the Movement of Being. The experience of this - directly felt - is of truth unalloyed. It is turning within - to Source - and allowing that to be all that is - right where you are - that undoes the illusion in which we suffer our creations as if they create us - and afflict us. This is not understandable to thought - but to love. And only they can love who are set free of every humourless intent. We bind ourselves. yet none is bound but by an overlooked and ingeniously hidden desire.
Know truth - and truth shows you - you are free. For nothing is but as you have chosen, albeit in ignorance. Is this a madness that if true means you are guilty? No - it means you are called to awake, repent or release the past and embrace now, and thus release the meanings to which you have sought to force your life, your body, your relationships and the world, to validate and support.
These things are for the heart - the direct intelligence of feeling and knowing that is connected to Reality - to God and thus to all in all.
The recognition that reconnection and renewal and healing is an ultimate priority is often because of hitting ‘bottom’ with regard for attempts to live disconnected, in self illusion and in increasingly meaningless habits of thought and deed.
The concept of ego is helpful if it awakens a present responsibility.
But as soon as there is a sense of a separate or alternate power called the ego that can act against God - against your indivisibility - then it has become a stooge behind which the mind can play out the game of two powers. And to take either side or to shift between sides according to an alternating perspective is to identify with force and density - the experience of limitation and separation.
There need be no blame for discovering egocentricity 'running', indeed such is an awakening 'Ahah!'
The sense of ego attack that 'knows' how to lay us low is linked to our desire.
We may at times feel able to be open and selfless in the flow of being - but then there can be a sense of losing a capacity to keep the ego as a sort of hideyhole or option to back off or to have access to things we have enjoyed that we feel deprived of at the sense of moving beyond.
So there is a tightening, a contracting - a desire to put the brake on and 'think' - a pausing from the connectness of our being and in effect saying "I'd rather see this my way".
And the experience of confusion, of being in some struggle or of needing to DO something before I can allow Being or justify love - serves this desire to have a limited sense of self in which I feel less threatened than the exposure of an initially unrecognised territory of being.
My sense of resistance, is of an emotional charge here that is activated out of a habitual sense of security - and that once it activates, it can reframe my perspective so as to self validate itself and hide Love's Answer.
In awareness we can nip ego in the bud - just don't go there - stay here - open - be still - listen. In thought we are acting out from a basis that itself is thought - and not FEELING the direct communion of life that makes Meaningful our experience to us. Nor indeed the faith connection with that which is Awake and with us as Guide and Teacher.
So the drama has its process and yet at some point falls away enough to allow awareness to 'surface' again and we say "what was that about?" or "how come it took me so long to let go of that".
But it isn't that we hold onto a sense of control that doesn't fall or missstep - but rather that we stay open in trust and connectedness even amidst the fears of distrust and ill intent.
When desire grows strong to be free of a sick, debilitating or self undermining habit, we find more awareness rising within it - and thus a choice instead of a compulsion. But the real choice is always not to play the game at all - whereas the compulsion is always a sense of dilemna amidst choices that keep me in the dark.
In fairy stories, the treasure is often guarded by monsters or the princess surrounded by thorny thicket - or some sort of appearance of fearsome obstacle.
The only way to pass is truth.
When all else fails, you KNOW that you have not the answer and so in natural wisdom you no longer seek or accept an answer from where it cannot and does not come - from 'my own power or from my own thinking'. Now is there a stillness that listens. Now is there a thirst for truth. Now is there an abeyance of using truth to make a better weapon to overcome gargoyles. By the grace of God the heart can hear and see and feel - free of the miasma of a sense of self that turned from a curious plaything to a mesmeric mind-trap.
To look upon the special hate relationship is to cease to hide - and therefore protect - it.
When the mind in pain of hurt or hate turns upon itself - seek and find your willingness. Not to live up to any notion of spiritual attainment - but simply to own and feel and know the true desire of your willingness for love, for true safety, for unified peace.
You will at times experience extreme resistance to listening to your willingness, and yet by its light, you are guided or prompted to whatever helps you to stay in and grow willingness - despite the pull of the current of guilt, fear or reaction. Though it seems fierce it has only the power you gave it and give it still.
Your 'holding hands' with Spirit - through your willingness - is the link to calm - despite the shout and struggle of a senseless conflicted drama that seems to be real.
To practice, is to live from willingness - actively. The forms that the dance will take are discovered in relationship - as your preconditions are released to a greater trust.
If wilfulness sneaks in, willingness is forgot - and in such misalignment will dissonance of experience become the signal to relax.
This innate signal to bring attention present , relax, and trust - has been interpreted as a symbol for guilt or proof of sin - a hateful intent - a shameful self uncovered.
This is a deception - but to see for yourself you must look within and discover if in fact and in truth - such intent is your desire. For if you fear that it is - you are still 'playing' with sin as if it could be so.
I say that God Himself is the giver of your life, your being and your true desire.
Jesus said: "Go in peace and sin no more". He speaks to awakened willingness.
From such a true desire we can see and hear and trust our way.
And the shadow of sin dissolves, to a heart redeemed.
How I love you!
In love's graceful tears
But as soon as there is a sense of a separate or alternate power called the ego that can act against God - against your indivisibility - then it has become a stooge behind which the mind can play out the game of two powers. And to take either side or to shift between sides according to an alternating perspective is to identify with force and density - the experience of limitation and separation.
There need be no blame for discovering egocentricity 'running', indeed such is an awakening 'Ahah!'
The sense of ego attack that 'knows' how to lay us low is linked to our desire.
We may at times feel able to be open and selfless in the flow of being - but then there can be a sense of losing a capacity to keep the ego as a sort of hideyhole or option to back off or to have access to things we have enjoyed that we feel deprived of at the sense of moving beyond.
So there is a tightening, a contracting - a desire to put the brake on and 'think' - a pausing from the connectness of our being and in effect saying "I'd rather see this my way".
And the experience of confusion, of being in some struggle or of needing to DO something before I can allow Being or justify love - serves this desire to have a limited sense of self in which I feel less threatened than the exposure of an initially unrecognised territory of being.
My sense of resistance, is of an emotional charge here that is activated out of a habitual sense of security - and that once it activates, it can reframe my perspective so as to self validate itself and hide Love's Answer.
In awareness we can nip ego in the bud - just don't go there - stay here - open - be still - listen. In thought we are acting out from a basis that itself is thought - and not FEELING the direct communion of life that makes Meaningful our experience to us. Nor indeed the faith connection with that which is Awake and with us as Guide and Teacher.
So the drama has its process and yet at some point falls away enough to allow awareness to 'surface' again and we say "what was that about?" or "how come it took me so long to let go of that".
But it isn't that we hold onto a sense of control that doesn't fall or missstep - but rather that we stay open in trust and connectedness even amidst the fears of distrust and ill intent.
When desire grows strong to be free of a sick, debilitating or self undermining habit, we find more awareness rising within it - and thus a choice instead of a compulsion. But the real choice is always not to play the game at all - whereas the compulsion is always a sense of dilemna amidst choices that keep me in the dark.
In fairy stories, the treasure is often guarded by monsters or the princess surrounded by thorny thicket - or some sort of appearance of fearsome obstacle.
The only way to pass is truth.
When all else fails, you KNOW that you have not the answer and so in natural wisdom you no longer seek or accept an answer from where it cannot and does not come - from 'my own power or from my own thinking'. Now is there a stillness that listens. Now is there a thirst for truth. Now is there an abeyance of using truth to make a better weapon to overcome gargoyles. By the grace of God the heart can hear and see and feel - free of the miasma of a sense of self that turned from a curious plaything to a mesmeric mind-trap.
To look upon the special hate relationship is to cease to hide - and therefore protect - it.
When the mind in pain of hurt or hate turns upon itself - seek and find your willingness. Not to live up to any notion of spiritual attainment - but simply to own and feel and know the true desire of your willingness for love, for true safety, for unified peace.
You will at times experience extreme resistance to listening to your willingness, and yet by its light, you are guided or prompted to whatever helps you to stay in and grow willingness - despite the pull of the current of guilt, fear or reaction. Though it seems fierce it has only the power you gave it and give it still.
Your 'holding hands' with Spirit - through your willingness - is the link to calm - despite the shout and struggle of a senseless conflicted drama that seems to be real.
To practice, is to live from willingness - actively. The forms that the dance will take are discovered in relationship - as your preconditions are released to a greater trust.
If wilfulness sneaks in, willingness is forgot - and in such misalignment will dissonance of experience become the signal to relax.
This innate signal to bring attention present , relax, and trust - has been interpreted as a symbol for guilt or proof of sin - a hateful intent - a shameful self uncovered.
This is a deception - but to see for yourself you must look within and discover if in fact and in truth - such intent is your desire. For if you fear that it is - you are still 'playing' with sin as if it could be so.
I say that God Himself is the giver of your life, your being and your true desire.
Jesus said: "Go in peace and sin no more". He speaks to awakened willingness.
From such a true desire we can see and hear and trust our way.
And the shadow of sin dissolves, to a heart redeemed.
How I love you!
In love's graceful tears
Desire for Safety
Your desire for safety touches me.
And speaks of a memory that isn't totally buried and forgot.
Under a seeming world of bodies with secret minds in a hostile universe.
All of which arises from a single act in thought-desire.
A contraction or collapse of self upon self in which almost all of what you are is denied - that your thought can continue as yours alone.
In ceasing to activate or reinforce the thinking-self protective contraction - a different experience is discovered. If you are ready to allow this then you do truly desire Safety, for the attempt to make yourself safe - by your own thinking - has not brought the answer.
You have but shafted yourself - not in truth - for truth remains available as it is if you welcome it - but in the conflicting and shifting attempts to fix down life and make it serve your thought.
You are the life that you neglect to love because your intent is elsewhere, set upon thought derived existence - which to the unawake is believed reality itself.
Life is already intent on serving you - as the unified expression of wholeness. But if you would know this, then there simply is no room for the intent that pulls the plug on life and drains it away for the hit of a self indulgence.
The last war I was in was a seeming battle between desire to survive and desire to love. There was in truth no battle but simply a play of dramatic experience arising from the attempt to keep both.
Dignity is not a right I demand from the world but the natural result of the honour I give.
By the grace of Spirit I have awakened enough to refuse the experience of hate as a definer of anything but a split mind - an ignorance. I can release the experience with my recognition of life giving as I have asked - and let it go. I can only fight the way Mind works, imaginatively.
For the movement of attention is the movement of desire - where value is given.
And if I invest in the experience of horror - then I validate it.
Even if this is done negatively - by an attempt to overcome it. For who would seek to overcome a foe - whose ill intent is but one's own, enacted out in alternating roles?
The uncovering of the special hate relationship is that which would seem to damn. Its undoing requires that you do not damn yourself nor your brother or your world - but wait on a fresh perspective.
Love changes everything.
For love undoes or restores the original to its true appreciation from a mind that had become fascinated by an unlove as if it were a thing you made that then made you.
How does a Child of God fragment and forget its own light in a prodigal wasteland?
How does a wretch rediscover his divine inheritance?
As a man thinketh in his heart - so is he.
By the grace of being joined, I am saved from my own thinking.
All are joined to the Source without which nothing is.
In this world we have seemed to live as if we are actually independent and conflicting with everything. But look and see if this is not simply a game of thought.
There is a basis upon which to question every value this world has ever taught you.
It is the awakening relationship with your innate and inviolable safety - prior to the activity and identifications of mind.
When the definitions that bind, deplete and deprive are refused currency status - the truth is revealed of itself. There is no battle - but there is every reason to hold fast in receiving and therefore giving - from a fresh perspective. Despite every twist and turn of the ego's roller coaster ride which is but a persuasion speaking to an habit no longer truly desired.
Can I condemn a world that arose from acting out a fantasy of possession, loss and vengeance?
Can I condemn myself for the life that proceeded from an ignorance that is no more?
Can I accept forgiveness for myself and be undone of sin?
These are not for thought to answer - but are the heart's intimation - for we don't do truth, but are, by its giving.
In Peace
And speaks of a memory that isn't totally buried and forgot.
Under a seeming world of bodies with secret minds in a hostile universe.
All of which arises from a single act in thought-desire.
A contraction or collapse of self upon self in which almost all of what you are is denied - that your thought can continue as yours alone.
In ceasing to activate or reinforce the thinking-self protective contraction - a different experience is discovered. If you are ready to allow this then you do truly desire Safety, for the attempt to make yourself safe - by your own thinking - has not brought the answer.
You have but shafted yourself - not in truth - for truth remains available as it is if you welcome it - but in the conflicting and shifting attempts to fix down life and make it serve your thought.
You are the life that you neglect to love because your intent is elsewhere, set upon thought derived existence - which to the unawake is believed reality itself.
Life is already intent on serving you - as the unified expression of wholeness. But if you would know this, then there simply is no room for the intent that pulls the plug on life and drains it away for the hit of a self indulgence.
The last war I was in was a seeming battle between desire to survive and desire to love. There was in truth no battle but simply a play of dramatic experience arising from the attempt to keep both.
Dignity is not a right I demand from the world but the natural result of the honour I give.
By the grace of Spirit I have awakened enough to refuse the experience of hate as a definer of anything but a split mind - an ignorance. I can release the experience with my recognition of life giving as I have asked - and let it go. I can only fight the way Mind works, imaginatively.
For the movement of attention is the movement of desire - where value is given.
And if I invest in the experience of horror - then I validate it.
Even if this is done negatively - by an attempt to overcome it. For who would seek to overcome a foe - whose ill intent is but one's own, enacted out in alternating roles?
The uncovering of the special hate relationship is that which would seem to damn. Its undoing requires that you do not damn yourself nor your brother or your world - but wait on a fresh perspective.
Love changes everything.
For love undoes or restores the original to its true appreciation from a mind that had become fascinated by an unlove as if it were a thing you made that then made you.
How does a Child of God fragment and forget its own light in a prodigal wasteland?
How does a wretch rediscover his divine inheritance?
As a man thinketh in his heart - so is he.
By the grace of being joined, I am saved from my own thinking.
All are joined to the Source without which nothing is.
In this world we have seemed to live as if we are actually independent and conflicting with everything. But look and see if this is not simply a game of thought.
There is a basis upon which to question every value this world has ever taught you.
It is the awakening relationship with your innate and inviolable safety - prior to the activity and identifications of mind.
When the definitions that bind, deplete and deprive are refused currency status - the truth is revealed of itself. There is no battle - but there is every reason to hold fast in receiving and therefore giving - from a fresh perspective. Despite every twist and turn of the ego's roller coaster ride which is but a persuasion speaking to an habit no longer truly desired.
Can I condemn a world that arose from acting out a fantasy of possession, loss and vengeance?
Can I condemn myself for the life that proceeded from an ignorance that is no more?
Can I accept forgiveness for myself and be undone of sin?
These are not for thought to answer - but are the heart's intimation - for we don't do truth, but are, by its giving.
In Peace
Take no thought for your self
The thinker is presumed to be the actor.
Exerting a power that can have effects that change the experience of the perceiver.
Born of the need to limit the experience of loss that results from indulging private unjoined thought.
Be Turned in attention to the light that, within, reflects and shines in all.
Leave the dead world by joining the living. Give it not your attention.
The Living replaces the dead world from within with the ever fresh expression of Living Thought.
Such Joined Thought is not left its Source.
To listen not to the true heart is of a desire to not know love as it is.
You may have an illusion of love as your experience, but no matter how fascinating you may be able to make it as the storyline you make within it - it can never love you, know you and shine you, in the glorious radiance of your truth.
Within a wish for getting, your receiving is hidden by limiting filters of denial. And the giving is of a false premise that is being accepted as self or reality. The desire for truth is the willingness to release the surface perceptions and allow receiving anew - and trust giving anew; innocent of the filtering shadows of a self unlove.
And let it be itself such that it grows of itself in the ways of its - and your - true nature.
In Peace
Exerting a power that can have effects that change the experience of the perceiver.
Born of the need to limit the experience of loss that results from indulging private unjoined thought.
Be Turned in attention to the light that, within, reflects and shines in all.
Leave the dead world by joining the living. Give it not your attention.
The Living replaces the dead world from within with the ever fresh expression of Living Thought.
Such Joined Thought is not left its Source.
To listen not to the true heart is of a desire to not know love as it is.
You may have an illusion of love as your experience, but no matter how fascinating you may be able to make it as the storyline you make within it - it can never love you, know you and shine you, in the glorious radiance of your truth.
Within a wish for getting, your receiving is hidden by limiting filters of denial. And the giving is of a false premise that is being accepted as self or reality. The desire for truth is the willingness to release the surface perceptions and allow receiving anew - and trust giving anew; innocent of the filtering shadows of a self unlove.
And let it be itself such that it grows of itself in the ways of its - and your - true nature.
In Peace
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