
To those who have, it shall be given them - and you cannot (really) deny your being.

The Holy Spirit's Interpretation of the New Testament - (NTI in short), is one of very very few books I have engaged with love over these last years.

Holy Spirit inspiration, voice, presence and identity is awake enough in this one that I am not moved to seek without – in the world – for teacher or teaching – for I would trust and allow the flow of what is awakened to draw to it - and be drawn - to all that it needs. Yet I remain open to teachers and teachings as I receive them in the heart – the 'Holy Spirit knowing' – that distils the essence in the light of Sense.

The author of A Course in Miracles is called Jesus – but feels to be loving-peace. So likewise the author of NTI. Sometimes as I write, I feel the same. The specific is a function of the Universal.

So I have not a ‘Wow – This is it!’ reaction to NTI – or indeed any other external. Yet of course the wordless recognition in the heart of t h i s Living Instant – is the Life we share with God.

To myself and no doubt others – I can just seem some bloke with various idiosyncrasies, and patterns of thought and behaviour that are of the nature of the mind of my culture and time.
But this is not the truth of either me or of those who meet me, for truth is not expressed in parlance of judgements, comparisons and accorded values. All of which emanate from 'I want it thus!'.

A sense of being uncovered to oneself in such a hidden determination is no fun. Though the actual instant of awakening opens the wellspring of true joy. Selfishness or special-self-ness is pervasive at levels we are only just beginning to be aware of. Yet is this not the growth of the capacity to be free of programming – and thus appreciate and enjoy a greater circle of Identity and participation?

The urge to ‘awaken’ is not so much a desire that the world align with my own ways or ideas – but that joy is made truly welcome and shared – as is its nature. As is yours and my nature.

The mentality that denies, undermines, subverts or commandeers joy is a blind wish – but we who read this are waking up to that such wish is not our truth nor our desire.

The consideration of ideas is not necessarily shallow, for the heart listens and can awaken to its own call.
The process in awakening is like an ongoing revisiting of the original error – at the levels and forms of re-enactment that are currently within range of attention.
And by not accepting mechanical identification, attention is unbound and we are free to see and hear of the truth – that we may be its agency - and of like kind.
Any degree of willingness to not accept fear’s dictate opens the door of the mind to that it was - and is never - shut out.
Such a realization automatically leads to your welcome of your brother – for judgement is one: the shutting out is of rejection.

The awakening path within the world will at times bring fear and doubt of one’s own sanity. Fear at such times will open deeply laid scripts that – in effect – revert the mind to self-will in exclusion. Yet a light is within that is not altogether forgot. Practice isn't a matter of success and failure – but of desire and capacity to stay with. Despite the voices of success and failure.

The peace, love-Presence and wisdom of NTI offers far far more than getting one’s ideas ‘enlightened’. It is of the enlightenment itself – revealing You to You as You Are.
Yet this statement is from one who has accepted – and is willing to live the acceptance.

Those who yet struggle to maintain their self as they think it to be – cannot see or hear the Call as the call to Life.
A thief cannot trust an open hand and heart.
But amidst honest experience of conflict and confusion arises a sense of a better way and a desire to find it.

'Not my way – but Thine'.

I thought I was going to talk about something else – but instead I wrote as I wrote.

in Gratitude
