The momentum of the thinking mind - or 'story mind' - in ignorance - can use the glimpse as yet more fuel for its story of self. It says: "I lack, am inadequate, or am deprived of my good". If you elect that this voice speaks for you - then you stay within 'your story', asleep.
But to let the present realisation of felt dissonance be allowed, as a trigger for the further influx of awareness, is to trust into relational silence - beyond the range of the 'story mind'. This practice will - in effect - open the presumption of a prior communion as the lens of your experience, in which the 'story mind' takes on a different purpose; namely that of using experience to teach, reflect and extend only that which moves alive within - and through - all that is.
In this, the realm of experience may be enjoyed without identification with the story - as the revelator of the light and truth that is itself beyond experience - yet one with being.
But as we choose again to ascribe parts of experience more or less value or reality - we will again re enact the script of separation and forget who and what we are in Truth. To enjoy without introducing the separation is to be enjoyment itself - empty or innocent of self strategy - sharing the 'Kingdom' with the 'Kingdom'.
This ‘sharing’ is the original 'language' of oneness - because it has not believed itself to have left the mind of God - and then used that story - as a lens of its own self exploration.
The original remains truly the only language of communication and bleeds through, despite the script that interprets all things to promote and protect a falsely identified self. Yet the original cannot altogether be lost because it remains part of what you are, no matter how the mind is used.
Touch on what is realised to be truly unwanted - only - to awaken - to be renewed as - the movement of true desire - that is given you by virtue of Being, itself . This is allowed in, by your disregarding all of what the ‘my story mind’ has taught, (through experience, as memory) - by not using it!
Awakening is indeed wholly Good News.
It is indeed a fools errand to seek for the good, the beautiful and the true in merely external terms. However, the folly is to be discovered within your own experience - and therefore simply undone by the wisdom that replaces it - if you will. Giving to God is a way of not claiming for yourself alone. It doesn't deprive one of pleasure - but locates the true context of pleasure - AND - works to undermine the habit of self deprivation that the illusion of private gain always facilitates.
Be fixed on truth in the heart - God Is - and be wary of missing the mark - sin. The 'death' that sin entails seems provable because it is repeatable - but only for as long as you are willing to prove it to yourself by repeating care-less or love-less behaviour of thought and attention. And the signs of guilt are always the sign that this remains unrecognised and uncorrected on oneself - wherever the guilt or dis-ease seems to manifest.