If you wish to get out of hell
Instead of reacting from your determination that all is as you judge it to be ... Stop.
Do nothing to defend yourself from your heart's knowing - so that you can truly wonder, 'what is the truth here? - rather than enact the drama of the story as it seems at first to be.
Hold fast to this desire, though all manner of diversion and distraction attempts may seem to compel attention to collapse into ‘fight or flight’ scenarios.
Such practice remains potent even if holding for but a conscious instant before retreating to the familiar strategies of dealing with the 'devil you know'.
The humanly real thing here is in the willingness to challenge the fear mind-set at all! Not in some magical scenario of 'succeeding' in overcoming fear at symptom level - but in desiring honesty amidst disordered thought.
The capacity to look on - or abide through - the fearful - is grown in the practice of living from the heart; the exercise of grounded trust.
As long as one merely entertains spiritual ideas - one is in the realm of a hopefulness that one can somehow conquer fear without undergoing transformation. In other words - one is engaged in denial. This is as good as any place to start from. Its the only place to start from.
To have awakened to the starting place is a significant step from which the rest will follow.
The journey is not one of acting upon and changing externals - but of allowing one's own perspective to be replaced by the perspective of peace. You cant 'do' this as you think of doing - for it is the calming of the doing mind that allows awareness to shine clearly - your vision restored.
Your reality - really - is as much one with the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ as anything ever will be - but how will this be recognised by one who sees only the past - and in terms of the past - in expectation of a future the same as the past?
It is true that many aspects of conflicted self are of such an intolerable nature - that they goad you to invest heavily in a direction that is felt to be serving 'the good' in atoning for 'the bad'. Such re-orientation of the human heart can enact a desire for good - but it is still 'the good' in terms of your own determinations and doesn't represent the Father's Will unalloyed - nor will such attempt bring your healing - until and unless it expresses a peace of being that is wellspringing from a wholly present love that does not have to justify the past to be - all that it is - or take its meaning from a past framework.
For the attempt to escape a believed situation, will inevitably reinforce the reality of the situation as you have judged it. The use of private judgement excludes and splits - and always leads to conflict, fear and guilt.
To truly ask for the truth amidst any 'hell' is to desire peace above all else. Because peace is the condition in which truth can register with you. This will likely seem to be humiliating because it is the relinquishing or the forgoing of your own judgement - upon and by which the self image is constructed. It may also seem to intensify fear temporarily in moments of resistance to change. But it does so within a larger sense of opening relationship. The thread of the intuition to recognise that you want and need change becomes the communication link that draws the heart present as your re-membering.
The experience of having peace replacing conflict is salvatory - and the resumption of the heart's loving appreciation is raw praise and gratitude. Life itself speaks you anew.
Such qualities of new life grow in us and express the nature of our shared being. Comes a time when to be out of communion in any sense - becomes a 'hell' - or painfully unattractive.
Yet it helps - and is natural - to have an alarm to feedback that the mind has over-ridden the heart communion, instead of serving the heart's direction. To learn to become numb to natural alarm is to teach that sleep is salvation. This will not work - though it will keep you in hell - albeit dimly recognised at times.
It may seem a slow path to practice, over and over again, the willingness to 'be wrong' or mistaken about yourself and everything - and make the journey of willingness to be still and let truth abide in you, instead of enforcing your own self-certainties as your experience.
If, from the willingness to release the world you made, you are realising that there really is no separated self in it, that is ever going to attain to enlightenment - or be added to with spiritual powers or capacities - then HOORAY!!!
Now you are more available to the willingness for enlightenment to be as it already is - and know it by its fruits.
Your innate Holy Spirit is teacher and Guide to you - whatever the agencies by which these occur.
Your Holy Spirit knows and loves the truth that is you and reveals and restores truth to you, by the desire that He reveals - step by step - to be yours.
As you live out from this desire you grow in the capacity to discern the mentality of illusion as illusion.
Which enables a greater love to be shared with all. For what is released from illusion is freed for truth.
Hell is unshared life. No matter the forms that may be presented of joining or separating.
There can be no unshared life in truth - for you cannot be unshared from your Father or Source. You can wish to take such a notion seriously enough to pursue your thought in private realm - and put it between you and the truth of you like a veil across your mind.
That we do not create our being, is self evident, except to the mind so engaged in trying to maintain such an wish that its imagination is more real to it than it’s own being.
To have held a map upside down and then diligently made wrong choices in ignorance thereafter has not effected change to truth itself - but only to your awareness of it. Because we neither make - nor can unmake - truth. The appreciation of truth - as it is - is remedied by regaining a correct orientation.
Only as you accept healing for your own split mind - can you become an agency for the healing of other minds, who yet make themselves afraid in ignorance, and see no light of love's inclusion within the reach of their capacity to receive and believe.
Thankyou for the sharing
Awakening is indeed wholly Good News
The momentum of the thinking mind - or 'story mind' - in ignorance - can use the glimpse as yet more fuel for its story of self. It says: "I lack, am inadequate, or am deprived of my good". If you elect that this voice speaks for you - then you stay within 'your story', asleep.
But to let the present realisation of felt dissonance be allowed, as a trigger for the further influx of awareness, is to trust into relational silence - beyond the range of the 'story mind'. This practice will - in effect - open the presumption of a prior communion as the lens of your experience, in which the 'story mind' takes on a different purpose; namely that of using experience to teach, reflect and extend only that which moves alive within - and through - all that is.
In this, the realm of experience may be enjoyed without identification with the story - as the revelator of the light and truth that is itself beyond experience - yet one with being.
But as we choose again to ascribe parts of experience more or less value or reality - we will again re enact the script of separation and forget who and what we are in Truth. To enjoy without introducing the separation is to be enjoyment itself - empty or innocent of self strategy - sharing the 'Kingdom' with the 'Kingdom'.
This ‘sharing’ is the original 'language' of oneness - because it has not believed itself to have left the mind of God - and then used that story - as a lens of its own self exploration.
The original remains truly the only language of communication and bleeds through, despite the script that interprets all things to promote and protect a falsely identified self. Yet the original cannot altogether be lost because it remains part of what you are, no matter how the mind is used.
Touch on what is realised to be truly unwanted - only - to awaken - to be renewed as - the movement of true desire - that is given you by virtue of Being, itself . This is allowed in, by your disregarding all of what the ‘my story mind’ has taught, (through experience, as memory) - by not using it!
Awakening is indeed wholly Good News.
It is indeed a fools errand to seek for the good, the beautiful and the true in merely external terms. However, the folly is to be discovered within your own experience - and therefore simply undone by the wisdom that replaces it - if you will. Giving to God is a way of not claiming for yourself alone. It doesn't deprive one of pleasure - but locates the true context of pleasure - AND - works to undermine the habit of self deprivation that the illusion of private gain always facilitates.
Be fixed on truth in the heart - God Is - and be wary of missing the mark - sin. The 'death' that sin entails seems provable because it is repeatable - but only for as long as you are willing to prove it to yourself by repeating care-less or love-less behaviour of thought and attention. And the signs of guilt are always the sign that this remains unrecognised and uncorrected on oneself - wherever the guilt or dis-ease seems to manifest.2009/09/19
get out of the way!
Under ‘ego sense’ I has its own version of light , peace and joy. But its ‘within-ness’ is devoid of love – no matter how much energy is exerted to make a presentation – and no matter whether I or anyone else accepts the presentation as if it were presence.
In terms of such a masked perspective – I does not and cannot know ‘what’ it is that is being allowed, and opened to - when moved to refuse or forego ego strategy’. For this is opening into relationship from attempted control at expense of real relationship.
Faith is an inner formless knowing-feeling that pre-exists any thought process of my own and which is part of the same knowing that knows my own thought but renders loveless unreality.
The ceaseless occupation of the mind is an avoidance of the recognition of the lack of loving-connection, now. To be still enough to notice and abide with disquiet and acknowledge it is so, is a real step.
For the mind in deluded self protection would seduce attention with whatever distraction works, so as to keep the within-ness of you out of mind.
Such is a mechanism employed by an old repetitive desire, yet you can learn to watch it so as not to be seduced into mesmeric compulsion.
In such blindness, Living Moment is obscured. Living Movement is unfelt. Living Love unshared. The restoration to your mind to your true Mind is salvatory. For you are thus ‘saved’ from your illusions of life unshared.
Only in such awakening love can we know that ego is not here – for the wholeness of Mind embraces and includes all that it is – and judges not against itself.
The breakthrough intuitions and glimpses of truth may seem fleeting and momentary – for the mind of control is deeply habituated – and does close down the trust in which light is freely shared – even though it may seem to be in the name of a good or well meaning intent.
It can be a long and hard lesson to uncover the deceptions whereby we seek to add the ‘Kingdom’, to all things we have first assumed to our selves.
The wish to love does in part hold symbol of the embers of true desire – but the will to love can only arise from the movement of being itself.
It could be said that our job is to ‘get out of the way’.
The story of Diogenes comes to mind: Diogenes was a Stoic philosopher who lived in some kind of barrel and became famously wise. Alexander the great, desired to meet and listen to this one and so travelled to where he lived and asked of him his wisdom – offering “anything in my empire that you desire as a reward”. Diogenes responded thus: “Step aside, for you are blocking my sunlight”.
This could be interpreted as defiance and independence of spirit relative to worldly power – but I see a direct and true awakening gift – from love to love.
Be-loved thou art
2. Let the ‘wish to become someone or something’ yield to the truth that already shares itself as Movement of Creation.
3. Accept the ‘already life’ of your eternal being by releasing the mind-life that seems to be ‘going somewhere’, (the progressive model of attaining escape or return).
4. Awaken to the Effulgence of the light of Truth and let that Expression through you - reveal all things anew.
5. Listen to the way, the truth and the light and be as one and at one - as your truth and nature reveals in trust.
6. Abide in the silence of being - in which you make and assert no image of self.
7. Love is your redeemer in the heart. Joy shines witness in unselfconscious demeanour. Gratitude sings praise of upwelling wholeness of Life.
8. May the glimpses of shared holiness, accepted, become the greening of the desert. Turn from the self and world of lack.
9. Be-loved thou art.
The above came as a morning meditation.
(1) The first sentence reminds me of John the Baptist as rendered by Holy Spirit in NTI – but calls attention to the Presence (Holy Spirit/Jesus) – here and now – of our true and inviolate sanctity.
(2-3) The next two sentences speak of that by which we are deceived into motions of a self defeating nature. The idea of a self that is accepted - or identified as self- is like the bait with which we run – and get hooked into a futile attempt to overcome. fix, or struggle within.
(4) Yet our true context is the Already Life – but this knowing cannot reach attention while attention is fully engaged in pseudo mode. We cannot imagine how beautiful and wondrous is the nature of truth awakened – but by the relinquishment of the effort to (imaginatively) self create – Truth will dawn from within of itself.
(5) Practice (live) from the ground of revealed and received truth – which is of consistent willingness to be with what is – as it is. (6).
The fruits of Spirit give witness to its expression, though their Source is unspeakable. (7).
The mind of lack and lustre will seem to close over the moments of shared being that penetrate the dream - until allegiance shifts to always accept love of truth before self-made meanings. (8).
Being and its expression. Ours to share in. Ours to give and receive. Our simple truth.
The space: an invitation to move in trust and freedom. (10)
in Love's blessing
To those who have, it shall be given them - and you cannot (really) deny your being.
The Holy Spirit's Interpretation of the New Testament - (NTI in short), is one of very very few books I have engaged with love over these last years.
Holy Spirit inspiration, voice, presence and identity is awake enough in this one that I am not moved to seek without – in the world – for teacher or teaching – for I would trust and allow the flow of what is awakened to draw to it - and be drawn - to all that it needs. Yet I remain open to teachers and teachings as I receive them in the heart – the 'Holy Spirit knowing' – that distils the essence in the light of Sense.
The author of A Course in Miracles is called Jesus – but feels to be loving-peace. So likewise the author of NTI. Sometimes as I write, I feel the same. The specific is a function of the Universal.
So I have not a ‘Wow – This is it!’ reaction to NTI – or indeed any other external. Yet of course the wordless recognition in the heart of t h i s Living Instant – is the Life we share with God.
To myself and no doubt others – I can just seem some bloke with various idiosyncrasies, and patterns of thought and behaviour that are of the nature of the mind of my culture and time.
But this is not the truth of either me or of those who meet me, for truth is not expressed in parlance of judgements, comparisons and accorded values. All of which emanate from 'I want it thus!'.
A sense of being uncovered to oneself in such a hidden determination is no fun. Though the actual instant of awakening opens the wellspring of true joy. Selfishness or special-self-ness is pervasive at levels we are only just beginning to be aware of. Yet is this not the growth of the capacity to be free of programming – and thus appreciate and enjoy a greater circle of Identity and participation?
The urge to ‘awaken’ is not so much a desire that the world align with my own ways or ideas – but that joy is made truly welcome and shared – as is its nature. As is yours and my nature.
The mentality that denies, undermines, subverts or commandeers joy is a blind wish – but we who read this are waking up to that such wish is not our truth nor our desire.
The consideration of ideas is not necessarily shallow, for the heart listens and can awaken to its own call.
The process in awakening is like an ongoing revisiting of the original error – at the levels and forms of re-enactment that are currently within range of attention.
And by not accepting mechanical identification, attention is unbound and we are free to see and hear of the truth – that we may be its agency - and of like kind.
Any degree of willingness to not accept fear’s dictate opens the door of the mind to that it was - and is never - shut out.
Such a realization automatically leads to your welcome of your brother – for judgement is one: the shutting out is of rejection.
The awakening path within the world will at times bring fear and doubt of one’s own sanity. Fear at such times will open deeply laid scripts that – in effect – revert the mind to self-will in exclusion. Yet a light is within that is not altogether forgot. Practice isn't a matter of success and failure – but of desire and capacity to stay with. Despite the voices of success and failure.
The peace, love-Presence and wisdom of NTI offers far far more than getting one’s ideas ‘enlightened’. It is of the enlightenment itself – revealing You to You as You Are.
Yet this statement is from one who has accepted – and is willing to live the acceptance.
Those who yet struggle to maintain their self as they think it to be – cannot see or hear the Call as the call to Life.
A thief cannot trust an open hand and heart.
But amidst honest experience of conflict and confusion arises a sense of a better way and a desire to find it.
'Not my way – but Thine'.
I thought I was going to talk about something else – but instead I wrote as I wrote.
in Gratitude