
What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

The question – if asked of the ego gives rise to thinking that may take the form of ‘meanings’.
The same question asked of the Spirit gives rise to an experience of Meaning that is the absence of any such 'meanings'.

Only the meaning-less mind would seriously ask what the meaning of life is.
For who in their right mind would step out of the flow to think about instead of be?

The ego’s linear self-other conceptual linkages make doing and purpose as if the same as meaning.
I feel purpose and meaning are of different aspects – but Know Thyself is close as words get to describe the law of Mind.

If I think about the why or what for, of eternal being extending forever in Creation of its own extending to Itself, I may dispirit myself by judgements and differentiations that are not inherent in the Flow but are the evidence of the wish to be as I am not.
Like getting caught up in mechanical otherness instead of making love. The Nowness of giving is receiving. There just is no way to talk this!

Another approach to the meaning of life is to invite experiential participation.

What is the meaning of dancing or singing?

No amount of words will ever mean anything – relative to actually embracing the participation of singing or dancing.

As a practitioner of both I can say the the meaning of both is an ever deepening glory, wonder and freedom born of a willingness to be an open channel for inspiration. Yet even so – it is not the lovely experiences in themselves that are the value – but the wellspring from which they rise.