
The truly impossible is to be without or separate from God – the very Aliveness

But it is true that we can wish so - and we can believe it so in our own thinking.
Thus the little mind seems to have done this and the world proclaims it so.

The little mind is represented as a body limited separateness that exercises private authority for its own separate purposes - namely survival.

This may seem a meaningful adventure for a time but the transitory nature of its condition is itself a meaninglessness in a larger mind which cannot be altogether forgot.

To dry up – or run out of the capacity to maintain the separative state is like the prodigal son. It is to come to the certainty of the impossibility and futility of achieving the impossible: living without God - the Life that Is.

In God life is revealed anew and this experience expresses wholeness, Innocence, Spirit Awareness, and the world – with this Vision – proclaims it is so – WITH your brother. This cannot proceed from one's own thinking. Yet it inevitably proceeds from living with and from a rootedness in Presence not of your making.

The seeming impossibilities of doing what love would have you do are to be undone by willingness to take THIS step in trust – joined with God in faith. For the step you are taking now is the expression of your faith in being and your willingness to trust your life as it is Given.

HolySpirit is the call to awaken to Be what it is that you Are - before ever a world was conceived of in which love was not.
So He will arrange all things such as to maximise the benefit to all of your willingness to be.

As love moves you then that very desire is the engine of accomplishment and Spirit will align to the desire that is held - and teach you with what you teach yourself.

If fear prompts - even seemingly spiritual things - the desires will be conflicted and so will the outcome. To become free of conflict we need be still and accept what we discover as the true desire of our heart. For this, old thinking can only block, and so we must be freely receptive enough to allow Reality to come into where our thinking had closed about us. This is always and only experienced as a present directness of being. It is what appears to rise when the self-thinking recedes but really it is already here and truth but unrecognized while preoccupied with self and its script.

This mind is not a separate mind that is joined with others. Mind is an un-separate Intelligence. This is only experience-able Presently.
Individuality is the irreducible 'I Am' that takes unique expression in all things and yet is one. Thus when you allow reality back into your mind you will recognise all things and give that recognition. "This is my Son in whom is my Joy"

Ego would like to wake up in order to get super powers to heal all things in its own image and set them to right. It has been attempting this since it was first set in thought.

The prodigal son after hitting rock bottom was wholly willing to be but a servant in his Father’s house.

These thoughts in my heart I share with you
