
Know Thyself

What is the function of Mind?

And therefore of Life?

"Know Thyself".

Extension or projection is the Law of Mind.

This never stops nor can be changed.

To know yourself truly is to be the extension of Mind - which then 'gives' itself to All - through you.

To know yourself partially but falsely is to 'give' the mind of an illusory self and meet it in everything and everyone. As a 'separated whole'.

The game of 'choose between' is the play of the mind in creating a sense of private experience - that in turn creates a sense of a self that seems to exist and act independently. As if Creation - the Extension of Mind - is a realm of things - there for a "you" to pick and choose between - so as to triumph over it.

While this game is being acted out and suffered as real - it brings polarized experience of good - and bad, of loving - and hating, of me - and you, of us - and them.

The Remembrance and Rewakenening of truth is unreasonable Good - because it is Good beyond question and without opposite or comparison. It is acceptance and appreciation in trust of all that is - as it is - with no imposition of interpretation as to what it is.

Far from being nothing - this willingness or receptivity - allows all that Life is - to function as a unified Wholeness - in your conscious experience.

What then of the problematic nature of a polarized existence and the dilemma of the self that seems to suffer it?

It becomes a true gift - by your willingness to listen and accept truth. Not truths that can be mouthed. But an honesty of heart in which the mind is quieted and true direction regained - aligned as Expression of One Will.

As to transcending the laws of physics  - I would say that the ego projects the mind of lawlessness - and that creates an overlay experience of forces in opposition, density of guilt , exploitation of power, subjection to an alien will and a mechanism of death.

One can think of this as a net in which the more one struggles the more entangled one becomes. And with every usurpation of power in self-seeking, comes the subjection to the rules you set by its abuse.

Awakening is the undoing of guilt, of error, of a fanciful self-regard that may have begun as a masqerade but became a death mask - and a trap. A meaninglessness.

"Seek first the True Kingdom of the Heart  - and all things will be added you".

This is simply the reversal of the ego's dictum:

"Seek to add all things to yourself and lose the True Kingdom of the Heart".

The mind that identifies itself in form will interpret experience as forms - but in awakening, we are weaned from a form based perception.

It is not 'things' that are added to us in the Kingdom - but that the Kingdom is the Expression of the indivisible nature of the attributes of God.

Right where you thought yourself to be - BUT - only as you extend what you receive in truth.

If we limit our giving - we give limitation.

What is giving?

It is the acknowledgement of value.

The un-withholding of the mind from its Source and Nature.

The work is your gift to yourself of the surety that you freely choose to value freedom - by willingness to overcome or put aside all desire to value the valueless. But until this becomes clear - is it not enough to live from a willingness to follow the path with a heart?

If we feel we have to do things - know you are free to do them from the heart and for the heart. Do them for your own - guided - reasons - even if it also looks like 'you have to go to work to share the supply of needs met'.

Things are fixed by opposition - or set free by acceptance.

Trust and accept the life that is given - not as your interpretation gives - but as a reconnect through which the next step reveals itself.

Just to share life is to have 'stepped out' of the laws that apply to embodied minds in space and time.

Without this 'step' the wheels are not even touching the road.

To pause - is to suspend judgement. To listen in trust is to allow Creation to be as it is - and be known truly.

Give - only - as you would - in truth - receive.

in Gratitude
