Joy when evident - is much appreciated.
May an increasing sense of innate safety continue to dislocate the over-busy mentality of defence.
I know in myself that once a defence program is activated, all events are interpreted in terms of threat, ally or irrelevance - to a 'self definition'
that is reinforced by the program itself.
I have a sense that a conflict based mentality runs in emulation within a larger unconflicted awareness. Like TV it can become a loop of attention and distraction that feeds upon itself but is ultimately unfulfilling.
Joy is fulfilment but tends to be interpreted in terms of the self-defining program running as conditional to the outer circumstance - ie sharing life and dancing and singing.
I have a sense that there is innate joy just in being temporarily free of the self-limiting mindset - so I watch the activity of mind and identify patterns that express outmoded or ineffectual force and allow them to be replaced with the original or underlying harmonic patterning - that was eclipsed while the program was actively engaged.
Such calming restores perspective to non-local awareness - simply being - which can then express as freshly relevant local intelligence.
It could appear that long standing deeply held habits of mind and behaviour are unchangeable. But that is not more than a thought which can be observed, accepted or questioned.
I observe that the mind runs faster than anything I could imagine and that attention can be engaged and mesmerised by processes of thought.
However this doesn't change what the nature of mind is - only the activity of attention within it.
When driving my car, I tend to relax at a speed that is without haste and enjoy the moment I am in. This feels like a sort of timeless edgeless flow - because it is not incessantly engaged in past or future concerns.
I occasionally notice drivers overtaking and stressing to overtake - cursing or suffering frustration and friction in an ongoing drama of conflicted outcomes along with a sense of self importance that blinds them to appreciation of life all around them. I know from past experience that when I drive like that, it dislocates me such that it takes quite a while after physical arrival - to 'catch up with myself', reintegrate or re-orientate.
Journeying is the same, but the experiences of each mode of travel are very different. One is fulfilling a rested and free attention, the other is obsessed with unquestioned thoughts that are unconsciously programming a polarised addictive experience.
How to contact the mind that is intent on drama and release it to a true or direct relational awareness and appreciation.
(That last sentence posed a question until I saw that it was in fact the heading).