
Awakening with Jesus to Non duality

Awakening is a modern term for what Jesus meant by ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’. Jesus’ life and message has inevitably been interpreted through the filters of human ignorances; the predicate beliefs by which we think we already know what and where and who we are - and what anything is. This is not to deny the glimpses that are recognized, but to remind us that we can grow in our capacity to listen and accept truth, and live by the guidance of truth.

The mind in the world is ‘looking outward’, yet our experience of the world is effect and reflects what is active within our hearts and minds. Until love is welcomed in the heart, fear locks attention to face out and is the resistance to looking within.

This rigidity is a kind of self protection by means of a self limitation, but is based on a sense of self that is itself judged and judging, limited and limiting, lacking and ‘unlike love’. Such is a sense of sin - and the attempt to deny, hide, mitigate, displace and dissociate or indeed overcome, fix or heal - all by our selves - is the act by which sin is made real to us.

God is a term that can be used to point to the unspeakable Intimacy of life that is the current Gifting of Being itself. God ‘Speaks' All That Is - yet to be directly in clear receipt we must be still of our own thinking, and of the desire to be the determiner of all meanings.

Such a wish or desire is the root or fundamental error from which self illusion stems.
The belief in ‘sin as Reality’ is the substitution of our own judgmental thinking for the felt relational discernment of the current moment in a heart that listens in an unalloyed trust.

Discomfort is the inevitable and inherent experience arising from the attempt to hold ourselves ‘out of true’ - for it is a condition of unrest to assert or engage wishful thinking in which we 'be as we are not'.

But in an unquestioned desire or wish to continued exerting a private will, we will inevitably interpret such discomfort as opposition to our ‘self’, and attempt to control or overcome it.
The result is a ‘war on Self’ that brings experience of a shattered or broken trust, pain of abandonment and separation, guilt of punishment and loss.
This is such intolerable and chaotic experience that the mind in reaction seeks to limit and control. The partition and suppression of such confusion in fear and illusion, gives rise to experience of a pervasive yet largely unconscious fear that erupts or leaks into all sorts of events and relationships - despite all attempts to create or enforce order by any and every means.

Yet such is a story - engaged with will and passion, founded on a secret wish that is an idea that can be accepted or released - and not the proof of a separated existence - though such will it seem to be for the one who wants it true for them.

Nothing can be as it is not but that we tell ourselves so and pretend that ‘it is telling us’. In Truth All Is - As it Is.

The power of the mind can be used to create experience of limiting ourselves, but that in no way limits the innate power of the mind - excepting within the mind that believes its own judgement.

The willingness to release judgement and allow our mind into alignment with truth is realization and awakening of the mind to its true nature.
Because the true nature of mind is inclusion, our dream of a life is not obliterated, attacked or in any way judged against. Rather, it is transformed, translated and restored to extend and share the mind at one with itself and therefore with all.

This we find as a process of healing and awakening within the human story of the separated self - by which the mind is guided to the undoing and retracing of the steps by which it believed it made itself as it is not and suffers accordingly.

The guidance of original mind is what Jesus referred to as the Holy Spirit.
This guidance and presence and identity may seem at first to be external to a mind that has externalised itself - but is the Voice of your true nature, mind and desire. Guidance has no ‘self’ in terms the world understands - yet understands your self for you and to you - from an altogether present perspective.

Holy Spirit Mind uses all that is already in your mind - in your experience - to teach you - as you are willing to hear, to listen, understand and accept. Our innate Teacher uses all teachers, and all opportunities of event and relationship and thought, to guide the mind from fear and fragmentation, to love and unified inclusion.

Yet ‘in the world’ the voice of the ‘independent self’ or ego - is loud, distracting, coercive and persuasive - and Holy Spirit guidance is as a still small Voice in the wilderness.
To make welcome for the spirit of truth is a willingness of heart that must become the new directive for any who desire the peace that only resting in truth can give.

We are not called to fight evil, nor to overcome the world in its own terms. We are called to listen in trust and discern the truth of love in place of the mind by which we had deceived ourselves. Such is practical wisdom.

No step is really small or large - but is the expression of a growing light of willingness in a mind that had come to believe darkness to be the truth.

No one comes Home alone - for remembering you are not alone is the Condition of love. But love is not a 'doing' so much as we are its instrument.
In this, truth realized, is not merely freedom from fear - but freedom to be love.