"When You awake, You will discover that You were never born and never died" ~ Raj
Your own awareness is already light - your very heart is already the seat of all meaning.
The proofs of unawakened self are merely the assertion of you as you are not.
While you are 'in character' I may not get a message through.
While you are on a role - I cant get a word in edgeways!
But "Remember Home" is a present remembrance and not of the past.
Though before time was - Home Is.
There is nothing to understand here - this is a dawning of realization that the world is not your truth - and from this comes the willingness to let it be used on behalf of truth's realization of itself - as it is.
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Idea based sense of self is not going to wake up and nor is it ever going to have an understanding of what awakening is. But you may the play with and try-out of any ideas about it as part of an ongoing fascination.
In our thinking we may postulate all sorts of questions and look within all that we have ever imagined or experienced for possible answers.
That you are not what you think you are, is not to say: you are not!
But the you that is - as it were - revealed - by the disregard of the meanings of images and concepts that are associated as your sense of 'you in form' - is direct experience. It may be afterwards portrayed as experience happening to you but- at the point of knowing - there is no such separation of knower and known.
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The dimension of unawakeness is a like as a surface perspective gotten from a surface of no depth upon an infinite sphere.
As the surface is disregarded - depth arises - as awareness knowing its own nature.
The Depth is not - can not - really be absent - but has been rendered as if invisible by a timeline that stretches as if unbroken from past to future. An identification with a self made limitation that remains your intent of attention - set in motion by desire. You know not what you do.
Yet the arising of Awareness is not the beginning of awareness but rather the falling off of a temporary engagement of attention within which identification occurred. It is the abandonment of the proofs ‘you are not awake’ - within a Living Context of Relationship.
It is ‘awakening’ relative to bondage of illusion - but Truth is already true.
The desire for experience on your own terms has become confused with you as ‘a life’. This is a story you may tell to yourself - but is not you.
Truth is not the annihilation or destruction of you. For the ground of awareness does not come and go when attention becomes bound to consciousness arising with its objects.
You may be looking to survive in time - yet none truly lives in time - All life is of One Eternal Instant. Yet the illusion of time need not be attacked or destroyed for now to be experienced in its own terms. Illusions can only be dispelled by noticing their nature as illusions. Such is the gift of truth - its giving is that it is in no way withheld.
Life in concept is a way of making a personal sense of continuity-consciousness that acts as a limited identity.
All sorts of experiences seem to come and go yet all of then share a common father - which is the wish you be as you are not - and the wish to experience such thought as a creation. For this you must forget to laugh, believe you have lost Light and protect your thoughts in the darkness from misperceived light. The judge finds itself judged - until the act is realised meaningless.
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Everything Spirit is offering you is serving you coming to the point of awakening again and again and yet again.
This will often be below the radar of your own assessments - it initiates change in the ground of your sense of self that is also a releasing or loosening of old habits of belief and reaction.
To open the mind without the heart is but a further example of an ego alien adventure.
The view may be relatively expansive but the fundamental illusion of polarized reality remains the starting point.
The heart is the context in which the mind becomes safe - to itself.
Its Nature is perfectly relational. Yet nothing comes in from or goes ‘outside’.
The desecration of the heart to the mind in darkness is an intolerable suffering.
But this is the recognition of the need to accept healing - now.
Truth answers its own and you cannot be a total illusion - only given to illusion.
There are no terms on earth for that which is eternal - yet the eternal can be reflected here as you release your attention to a desire for a wholly present revelation.
Not born - never died - is as the eternal - timeless Father - and nothing is but is Son.
Son is of like kind in all respects except Son is the Expression of Father. Beyond compass - yet is perfect Compassion.
Feel for the taste in all that aleady speaks of joy - and open to the feeling against the suggestion of all that seems to demand the abandonment of joy.
Whenever you remember this is the feeling that identifies you in undefined and unwithheld presence
Synchronicity and the Parking Angel

Singularity of desire is held for us in trust while we engage attention and identity in false or conflicting desire.
It can be accessed in any moment of true willingness or trust that may note a felt desire and then surrender it to the outcome that aligns with Highest Good. Singularity of desire is impossible to ‘use’ coercively – for it is the living expression of One.
I have a handicapped daughter – Emily now quite grown up – and she was staying when we had a rare very hot sunny day on August Bank Holiday - (UK has had two almost non-summers in a row by the way). I actually found her willing to come to the beach with me and set off a mere mile or so. (At that time she couldn't walk very far at all). But the mile or so was a crawl of cars to the point – where our beach is. They were also crawling to come back down this spur of a road but probably because they had failed to find a parking place at the car park at the end – and come back again.
Sitting in a stiflingly hot car at a slow crawl with many stops – my time with her was running out before I had to take her back. And the inspiration to swim together felt fragile amidst the 'evidence'.
But there wasn't any ‘going back’ - so come what may, I gradually drove along – nose to tail – to the car park. But I kept my desire and my heart open in a present appreciation. I also realized that I would be willing to park illegally and pay whatever penalty in order to share that morning on the beach with Emily - but I did not let that thought make me wilful or reactive - it was just a sense of value recognised.
As I got to finally turn into the car park I saw there was indeed a queue all through all of its lanes and out again. (I don't usually venture into such places at peak holiday times because this sort of thing is what many end up doing with their family on a beautiful day – queuing!).
But to the right as if invisible to the other drivers ahead and around – was a legitimate place – admittedly part on a kerb – but every other possible plot legal and not legal - was covered in cars! So I just drove calmly in and we had a really wonderful swim and sunbathe together.
I did not ‘create’ the movement of this desire – but it came to me with an inspiration – which I stayed alive with despite thoughts that were quite justifiable in terms of the then ‘known universe’.
Any attempt to create such desire in reaction to any sense of scarcity, lack or problem is likely to muddy the water and feed the problem from which it originated. Yet a disposition of happiness and willingness is often open to little prompts that are - in a sense – from the More of You to help grow the appreciation of You as You Are.
Because we identify self with body to such a degree – it is hard to realise that You Are one with relatedness itself – temporarily expressing through a mind that has limited itself by using unrelated thoughts and becoming identified with the experiences they bring.
When miracles do not occur as part of our day – should we not pause and consider that we have lost touch with our willingness – and then uncover our desire to find it?
Life is already the Miracle of Love – it is the release of the (identifications with) fear by which the singularity of love is remembered.
But let desire be your guide and discern truly – so that you can grow to trust yourself not to play mindgames at the level of your integrity.
in Love's blessing
Secret or Esoteric Knowledge
One of the reasons that spirit knowledge has been and often is hidden or secret among those who come to awaken is because its realisation is hidden or secret from the ego.
Because ego identity = collusion to be secret and hidden from God-Awareness-Love.
= refusal to look within.
For to look within = to see only the Christ.
All the hate-fear-guilt-shite is the barrier to looking within that is designed to be effective in protecting ego from truth’s awareness arising in ... you.
Such a distorted orientation sees not the love – but only fearful heresy.
Such a mentality sees not innate innocence – but sin and guilt.
Such a mentality sees not – but is fascinated by its own denied thoughts and intentions.
And ‘loves’ to hate them.
And is ‘exonerated’ by their 'destruction' or excommunication.
And has ‘peace’ that evil is allayed and held without.
Thus Jesus, love incarnate, truths expression - was killed.
In belief of his death some came to accept this, seeing only validation of the old mind in fear and judgement.
For they yet worship death as giver of meaning, with power even over life.
Because the symbol of the killed love serves their desire for divine favour in ‘obedience’ to ‘Scripture’ where they can hate, fear or deny in 'righteousness'.
But love is not dead.
Indeed is your only Life.
'He' shows you where to look.
Why tarry with the dead?
Here is a feast that grows by its sharing.
If some hold that God created them separate like a clay figure and blew life into it – then anything that undermines that symbol of separation may be seen heretical – demonic – fearful and hated.
Therefore it may be both unwise and uncompassionate to suggest to them directly:
That Gods Gift is our life – and never leaves God to become fenced off around a separated will
by the continuance of the desire to exert such a will – and then
– ONLY –
to the mind that thus chooses to engage the wish.
But should any come to you and are shown by promptings and signs to be willing – then let flow as Spirit directs. This may be to speak entirely in pottery terms! - that isn't important – but the sharing and acceptance of love is important.
Let people believe as they choose – but in peace with them be willing to teach from the Spirit awake in you – as you are moved.
You know you are moved by Spirit when you are shown your brothers and sisters in Spirit. For unless you see their worth – how can you give them what they have denied themselves? For such is the way of salvation from self-made self-apart.
The desire to teach according to yourself with or without scripture is an old desire and it is as tares among the wheat.
Beware the desire to judge yourself or you will judge all and know them not nor the life in you.
Reach beyond the way you know, in humility and yet in faith of One wholly worthy of faith.
Watch with Me, as we together walk, from shadows into Light.
Forgive yourself for sleep, though again and yet again – for sleep is the nature of the world unawakened.
The past is gone as you release it – and the self you let Me grow in you through your giving is of eternal being.
So Be it.
In Peace
Because ego identity = collusion to be secret and hidden from God-Awareness-Love.
= refusal to look within.
For to look within = to see only the Christ.
All the hate-fear-guilt-shite is the barrier to looking within that is designed to be effective in protecting ego from truth’s awareness arising in ... you.
Such a distorted orientation sees not the love – but only fearful heresy.
Such a mentality sees not innate innocence – but sin and guilt.
Such a mentality sees not – but is fascinated by its own denied thoughts and intentions.
And ‘loves’ to hate them.
And is ‘exonerated’ by their 'destruction' or excommunication.
And has ‘peace’ that evil is allayed and held without.
Thus Jesus, love incarnate, truths expression - was killed.
In belief of his death some came to accept this, seeing only validation of the old mind in fear and judgement.
For they yet worship death as giver of meaning, with power even over life.
Because the symbol of the killed love serves their desire for divine favour in ‘obedience’ to ‘Scripture’ where they can hate, fear or deny in 'righteousness'.
But love is not dead.
Indeed is your only Life.
'He' shows you where to look.
Why tarry with the dead?
Here is a feast that grows by its sharing.
If some hold that God created them separate like a clay figure and blew life into it – then anything that undermines that symbol of separation may be seen heretical – demonic – fearful and hated.
Therefore it may be both unwise and uncompassionate to suggest to them directly:
That Gods Gift is our life – and never leaves God to become fenced off around a separated will
by the continuance of the desire to exert such a will – and then
– ONLY –
to the mind that thus chooses to engage the wish.
But should any come to you and are shown by promptings and signs to be willing – then let flow as Spirit directs. This may be to speak entirely in pottery terms! - that isn't important – but the sharing and acceptance of love is important.
Let people believe as they choose – but in peace with them be willing to teach from the Spirit awake in you – as you are moved.
You know you are moved by Spirit when you are shown your brothers and sisters in Spirit. For unless you see their worth – how can you give them what they have denied themselves? For such is the way of salvation from self-made self-apart.
The desire to teach according to yourself with or without scripture is an old desire and it is as tares among the wheat.
Beware the desire to judge yourself or you will judge all and know them not nor the life in you.
Reach beyond the way you know, in humility and yet in faith of One wholly worthy of faith.
Watch with Me, as we together walk, from shadows into Light.
Forgive yourself for sleep, though again and yet again – for sleep is the nature of the world unawakened.
The past is gone as you release it – and the self you let Me grow in you through your giving is of eternal being.
So Be it.
In Peace
The oneness of you
Spiritual teachings and exponents of teachings may speak of awakening into oneness.
The mind that thinks it thinks, takes such communication as self-thoughts or concepts and tries to imagine how they can be true - or how they will be realized in another moment than this. In such attempt, the mind is thinking in its own terms, which are terms that derive from a description of ignorance of oneness.
In order to allow into the mind, the experience of its oneness, there must be the realisation and observation that the thoughts on which it builds its sense of self are meaningless. For the seeming density and continuity of thinking generates a false experience of self to itself that is groundless, without cause, and without actual or direct relationship and connection.
The thinking based experience is shallow yet can depict any and every kind of drama by which it becomes compulsive and necessary to the actor who is set up within its script as the 'self' to which the experience is occurring. While this is accepted as currency worthy of attention, identification and desire, it continues.
Regardless of such activity of compulsion, the living context of all remains unaffected by any thought or experience. This living context is awareness and it is you.
To yourself in self-thinking, this can be neither understood or accepted, but you are not as you think you are and you can recognise and accept yourself as you are because you cannot wholly break connection with your truth.
In engaging thought based experience, it is _as if_ you take a journey away from yourself into an imagination that has itself made you. The result is that instead of resting as inclusive awareness whose peace is the light of being itself, you experience as if a limited mind within materiality of otherness.
This imaginary mind is predicated on differentiation in order to preserve itself as the thinker or determiner of reality. For such is the activity of following thought in order to experience the thought as tangibility.
Experiencing such thought based reality is limitation. It can be engaged only at expense of current appreciation of oneness by an ignorance - a willingness to look from out of an imagined but self-determined perspective.
Such limitation is inherently dissonant. It carries a pervasive pain of incompleteness - an out of centre or misalignment that would naturally remind you to release such a private intent and be restored to truth in which all is appreciated as it is. But if persisting in thought unnatural to truth, the same dissonance can be interpreted as oppositional conflict and guilt.
By such imaginary means can a mind experience itself as identified with ideas that separate or differentiate from truth itself - and suffer its own beliefs as unquestioned experiences to which it is essentially victim.
When you choose not to believe your own makings, you will have stirred, and the releasing occurs by which one truth rises in place of conflicting wills and realities.
Instead of using the mind of judgement which selects, compares and rejects, there is the resting in the awareness of the exactly discerned.
In such vision, the foggy soup of impressions, likenesses and differences is released of authority and in its place the shining awareness of a wholly present appreciation restates truth to you as you. You need not claim it or name it as you - but your acceptance is your wholeness of embrace and receipt. In this will you be one with the experience itself and not a ‘getter’ of a packaged experienced as anything fundamentally separated from you. Nor does it define or limit you.
The journey into illusion is one of following a wish-thought and becoming enamoured of its reflections as if it were your life. But you are simply sleeping to the reflected glory of one truth whose nature is without conflict and whose attributes are never separated from you or from each other.
The awakening is as a gentle teasing out of the knotted mentality of judgement and conflict into a willingness for light or awareness in which acceptance replaces rejection.
Every step or moment of willingness contains and expresses love of truth and truth of love, the peace of joy and the joy of freedom to feel.
Yet only within the limits of your acceptance can love be recognised and allowed its shared nature. Thus truth may seem a while to partake of the nature of your world in illusion in order to reach you and lead you from illusion to you
This is to bring you to the realisation that you have been mistaken in yourself and therefore are in need of truth above all else.
Having taken on a part in a script of your own making it is now your part to release and give over your part to the expression of that which speaks for you as you are and not as your thinking believes.
The recognition of the path you no longer desire to take is the reaching of you to you - through the veil.
It is Grace because it is already true, its acceptance is your acceptance of you as you are - in all events, circumstances and relationships.
Only the Grace of the truth of you can serve to guide you from self illusion.
What form this takes is for you to discover - though it is not ultimately the form that matters. Reading examples may console and encourage, but they will be used by the form bound mind to make ever more subtle judgements by which to validate self-illusion as replacement for you.
It is Given for you to know the truth.
The mind that thinks it thinks, takes such communication as self-thoughts or concepts and tries to imagine how they can be true - or how they will be realized in another moment than this. In such attempt, the mind is thinking in its own terms, which are terms that derive from a description of ignorance of oneness.
In order to allow into the mind, the experience of its oneness, there must be the realisation and observation that the thoughts on which it builds its sense of self are meaningless. For the seeming density and continuity of thinking generates a false experience of self to itself that is groundless, without cause, and without actual or direct relationship and connection.
The thinking based experience is shallow yet can depict any and every kind of drama by which it becomes compulsive and necessary to the actor who is set up within its script as the 'self' to which the experience is occurring. While this is accepted as currency worthy of attention, identification and desire, it continues.
Regardless of such activity of compulsion, the living context of all remains unaffected by any thought or experience. This living context is awareness and it is you.
To yourself in self-thinking, this can be neither understood or accepted, but you are not as you think you are and you can recognise and accept yourself as you are because you cannot wholly break connection with your truth.
In engaging thought based experience, it is _as if_ you take a journey away from yourself into an imagination that has itself made you. The result is that instead of resting as inclusive awareness whose peace is the light of being itself, you experience as if a limited mind within materiality of otherness.
This imaginary mind is predicated on differentiation in order to preserve itself as the thinker or determiner of reality. For such is the activity of following thought in order to experience the thought as tangibility.
Experiencing such thought based reality is limitation. It can be engaged only at expense of current appreciation of oneness by an ignorance - a willingness to look from out of an imagined but self-determined perspective.
Such limitation is inherently dissonant. It carries a pervasive pain of incompleteness - an out of centre or misalignment that would naturally remind you to release such a private intent and be restored to truth in which all is appreciated as it is. But if persisting in thought unnatural to truth, the same dissonance can be interpreted as oppositional conflict and guilt.
By such imaginary means can a mind experience itself as identified with ideas that separate or differentiate from truth itself - and suffer its own beliefs as unquestioned experiences to which it is essentially victim.
When you choose not to believe your own makings, you will have stirred, and the releasing occurs by which one truth rises in place of conflicting wills and realities.
Instead of using the mind of judgement which selects, compares and rejects, there is the resting in the awareness of the exactly discerned.
In such vision, the foggy soup of impressions, likenesses and differences is released of authority and in its place the shining awareness of a wholly present appreciation restates truth to you as you. You need not claim it or name it as you - but your acceptance is your wholeness of embrace and receipt. In this will you be one with the experience itself and not a ‘getter’ of a packaged experienced as anything fundamentally separated from you. Nor does it define or limit you.
The journey into illusion is one of following a wish-thought and becoming enamoured of its reflections as if it were your life. But you are simply sleeping to the reflected glory of one truth whose nature is without conflict and whose attributes are never separated from you or from each other.
The awakening is as a gentle teasing out of the knotted mentality of judgement and conflict into a willingness for light or awareness in which acceptance replaces rejection.
Every step or moment of willingness contains and expresses love of truth and truth of love, the peace of joy and the joy of freedom to feel.
Yet only within the limits of your acceptance can love be recognised and allowed its shared nature. Thus truth may seem a while to partake of the nature of your world in illusion in order to reach you and lead you from illusion to you
This is to bring you to the realisation that you have been mistaken in yourself and therefore are in need of truth above all else.
Having taken on a part in a script of your own making it is now your part to release and give over your part to the expression of that which speaks for you as you are and not as your thinking believes.
The recognition of the path you no longer desire to take is the reaching of you to you - through the veil.
It is Grace because it is already true, its acceptance is your acceptance of you as you are - in all events, circumstances and relationships.
Only the Grace of the truth of you can serve to guide you from self illusion.
What form this takes is for you to discover - though it is not ultimately the form that matters. Reading examples may console and encourage, but they will be used by the form bound mind to make ever more subtle judgements by which to validate self-illusion as replacement for you.
It is Given for you to know the truth.
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