
One must have an object of affection to awaken - Raj

Raj - Jesus speaks through Paul Tuttle and can be listened to or read freely at :

The value of doing so is self evident for me. I have no need to convince anyone or validate mutual agreements as to Raj.
I recognise truth within my heart whatever the forms or traditions or sources.
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“One must have an object of affection to awaken”.

Cathi and I found the term “object of affection” a bit cool and scientific when Raj first used it. But he uses it often.

But upon being asked what the phrase meant I volunteered the writing below:

God has an Object of affection - it is His Son.
(Formless Cause)(movement of Being)(Manifestation)

The manifestation as and through the Son is the working of the law 'Know Thyself'.
- (And It Was Good!)

It appears that mind can fragment and dissociate so as to pursue imaginative goals.
But when mind creates without love it discovers - a seeming loveless self and world.

This is an error and is corrected by bringing mind into alignment with it Source and Truth.
Loving as God Loves.

The error takes the form of unrecognised and unworthy or unlovable other. It also takes the form of special other which validates or justifies the judgmental mind that IS the error.

We dont 'do' the love - we bring a willingness to listen and receive and accept and extend.

The love that spontaneously is revealed as Life where the previous mind had seemed to differentiate, define, analyse and control. It is Awakening - from which the previous mind is clearly contrasted as a sort of attention trap. A fascination.

Raj has often invited or exhorted us to allow and open ourself to the experience of ongoing intimacy - with anything as well as other beings. Releasing definitions and being thoughtlessly but feelingly WITH.

In this way the world is re membered to be in the Mind that is Thought.

The world never was 'the world' as an external existence to which we are subject - but its release from that use takes practice by which we re integrate as an Awake Identity that is implicit in Loving.

We are always in experience of something. In taken-for-granted-land we already 'know' and so we dont really be present with very much because we already have a reaction to that.

But that is false. It is a replay of thinking that is private - even if it is similar to a lot of other private minds. It is no relationship at all! No guilt here - just a phenomenal deception.

Joylessness in life is pain! - and whatever symptoms arise they express the loss of true innocence, freedom and the joy that shines therein. Yet not lost - only covered over.
By thinking that can be undone.

There is a song I know that says:

"From you I receive, to you I give, together we share, by this we live".

In blessing our brother - our world as we meet it - we open a channel wherein we desist from habits of ignorance, and allow the light, the love and the help of Spirit to shine into our life from where we thought we knew and didnt bother opening up with. This immediately shares out unless we block its expression.

Thank you for being here and sharing this little journey.

in Gratitude
