We often try to apply an answer before the insight is actually opened in and as an expression of awakened intelligence.
To invite insight is to free attention from identification with its ‘object of un-affection’.
‘Bless you’ is an attitude of expression that is aligned with affection.
Focusing on the negative will always feed the negative and seduce the mind to try and overcome it.
So when something ‘obtuse’ seems to arise, we can practice this attitude and notice where our resistance reveals our personal agenda - and let pass by in willingness to align anyway.
The intent is to realign with the condition and flow of what is Truth.
All that one need do is notice and to allow that is to desist from doing something else.
Notice the events that appear to be within or without. Stay in noticing and include basic relaxation attitudes that proceed naturally from a desire to have the truth that you do not make - be revealed, uncovered, in the mind of You. I assure you that if you notice thinking from the place that can simply notice, then you will have awoken from the belief that you are the one who is thinking or that that thinking represents or expresses You.
(For at least that moment).
As long as we have something to achieve - in terms of who we think we are - we will get identity reinforced as the one who believes he knows and does. Yet we have no independent capacity to know and do - only a fantasy that we have made up and invested our desire and attention in believing.
When the capacity to pretend is starved of its support, then one is brought to a single point that to ego feels like a process of humiliation and disintegration - but to Spirit is a cleansing or purifying experience of simplicity and unclutteredness.
Here is a light that ego cannot see and a peace it cannot understand. But so what! YOU can feel the heart's movement. The light of awareness is with you and Is you, and the peace of acceptance is like being Home.
In commitment of willingness for waking up we each will meet what will seem as great temptation to actively believe that we are what we are not. All this means is that we have greatly desired to be orphaned stringless puppets - and have entrenched our mind in a posture of overcoming and resisting - and thereby maintaining our separateness - but only in our own partitioned mentality.
Noticing allows spontaneous recognition that, of itself restores and realigns the attention with the heart (intuitive wholeness) that feels Life freely given as it very being.
In Peace