I believe a better world is available right now because I see that the world I meet, experience and share is one of definitions and perspectives. Whatever 'the world' IS can only be experienced through the meanings that our definitions and feelings construct.
So I change my mind about my mind - and it becomes a receptor of a conscious focus rather than a program of conditioned reactions.
The former is naturally extending the voluntary or positively self-integrating movement of life as a unique individual expression within collective agreements. This actually FEELS and shares a tangible communioned connection with Life - regardless if it is articulated in concept or paint or dance or whatever.
The latter operates as a negatively defined - that is a segregating and separating - sense of self that is inherently disconnecting from the Feeling dimension of Consciousness Communion. Materialism is the outcome of 'separating from Consciousness' and gave rise to the perception-experience of a world of disconnected thoughts, objects, states and actions - that a sort of disembodied mind then defines so as to validate and protect itself AS A SEPARATE or private agenda.
I say disembodied, because anyone who truly embodies Life know the Presence of Life and the qualities innate and inherent to Life. It may be associated with a body - but as a separator, or mask, or weapon… and as a dumping ground for unprocessed negativity… to be used up and discarded.
Merely rational communications do not tend to initiate change - for that kind of rationality is of the minds attempt to justify its already asserted act or position. Corporate interests and politicians know that and have increasing abandoned even a pretence of rationality. They merely practice the 'dark' arts of persuasion by fair means or foul. Using symbols that bypass the rational superficiality to trigger subconscious frameworks in which people generally follow predictive patterns.
But all coercion has a comeback and any apparent power becomes a weak or ineffective 'drug' after being overused - and will then work against the one who thinks to wield it.
Ingenuity runs out of room to reinvent or disguise itself - then it turns to sacrifice of whatever it has to pay in order to keep a seed for re-propagation in a new host.
I feel that if humanity is to wake up from a death-spiral it will be through the witnessing of a self-honesty, and of a willingness to enquire of and challenge every belief that we have lived by that brought us to such a pass. One of the reasons good and workable political ideas fail or fall prey to corruption is that of our very low level of consciousness responsibility. A combination of ignorance and arrogance.
Inspiration may use seemingly irrational channels - but always growing and sharing a sense of worth. Without a true foundation a house divided cannot stand - and one can cover over a true foundation yet it will insinuate itself into such a coercive attempt to replace it no matter what. Each of us can wake from ignorance and arrogance so as to serve a greater awakening than the tiny self such negativity allows. It cannot be 'organized' or conceptualized into systems that replace our relational honesty with rules for thought or behaviour.
But unless one can meet the 'power' of the deceptions of our day and abide clear in the value one has directly uncovered in one's own honesty of transparency - one will be subverted, compromised, co-opted, by fair means or foul.
Yet notice these devices and own what is ours - and they become the very pathways of undoing and disassociation within one's own consciousness. Then one is no longer triggered as one was before and has 'reclaimed ones power' from negatively defined scenarios. One can thus choose freely and creatively in alignment with a clear sense of what you are and what you are not - and others will feel and see you as a more tangible and definite presence.
The latter is the 'truth' that is so weak in the world - and yet is the spark of Life that can grow Cultures. Tangible and Definite Presence.