
The truth is in the pudding

The desire to know the truth through the thinking mind is to look to the only place where truth is obscured.
Because you Already know the truth, you can open to the truth through reading or hearing.

"To those who hath, more shall be given".

But to those who have not yet accepted their own knowing, in the wholeness of their being - even that which they believe they hath shall be taken away.

Is love coercive?
Is love revealing Itself in the way and the manner of its communications?

The truth is in the pudding.
The definitions of thinking are fixing devices that self-validated the mind of the user.
But the use of such a mind by our Holy Spirit, allows an unfixing or loosening of the blocks to the flowing and extension of a trust in our being of life.

In such trust extending - you already feel and are the love that knows and is - and in the moment all things are added you - because they are already one with you - who abide at rest in oneness through your Holy Spirit.

The tension of the attempt to understand is exactly the tension of the attempt to maintain the sense of self apart - and then proceed from such a basis - as if to add to this 'self' and make it real or valid or successful or acceptable. To notice the tension is already to smile in release!

A willingness and desire for understanding, surrenders its 'knowing' and stands under that which Knows. Thus releasing the conditions that filter all outcomes on your own terms - and accepting the silent knowing of your own heart. This may also have association with thought and image - but these will but now reflect what is already moving, already true and already alive - as you. And will be freeing of the burden and tyranny of guilt.

The mind of command and control, of grasping and defining, of holding a will your own that judges and rejects, divides and rules - is an insidious habit, that creeps in un noticed and steals Heaven from your heart without you even noticing you are usurped.
How can this be?

Because what you actively want - becomes the foundation of your mind and experience - and when you believe or assert or accept that you WANT to see something YOUR way - then you are listening to that voice believing it is still part of the Living Universe.

Yet as you grow your capacity to trust-through the sense of self-defined limits and open to the joy and beauty and peace of being - you will also grow in the capacity to discern directly - and not conceal, disguise or defend against - the dissonance that is always felt in the lack of wholeness of a coercive will. It will seem to condemn you - but that is looking at guilt and fear - with guilt and fear. Forgiveness resists not evil - but looks directly upon its presentation in order to release the fixation of guilt. To own and to immediately repent of evil thoughts that can not really be hidden, overcome or escaped, but CAN be released upwards - is to let them pass away unwanted and in passing, reveal the Light that is your truth, your whole truth - and nothing but the truth.

In gratitude, in the song and harmony of the light of your being - do what you will - because your will is at rest in one will. In gratitude and innocence of being is this your natural inheritance.
Yet let one stab of interference seem to cause you to put your peace aside while you deal with 'the intruder' - and you are 'back in the mode of managing reality all by yourself' - and the impulse of wilful self authority  - will not be laughed away and forgotten before it is even active - but will rule with your worshipful obeisance.

And so it is, that a story is shared. There is no truth in any of it, but through the willingness to share. All that knows truth is itself True - and no life could ever leave the Life that it is.

Yet in the world, is the play of the mind in many, that seems to see and seek our love as if outside us - in the world of ever changing appearances. Is this not a most amazing capacity of experience? But is it our heart's desire to keep it so?

Giving all things to God is but the releasing to God of all that was playfully presumed our own - and thus 'taken away' only to then be taken seriously in error.
So in desire for truth and freedom we say, "Take this cup away from me - as it be Your will and not mine".

It is not just the aspects of mind of which we are ashamed or feel threatened in, that we  release - but the mind that fixes pleasure and joy in the world - for the world that we make, stands in place of the world that God's Holy Spirit replaces.
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal".
The simplest way to explain how it could be - in practical human words - that the mind of man gives way to the Mind of God; is to desist from your own thinking. Not by act of will - but in response to the Call or Movement of your own being - that rises in your awareness when you pause and consider in willingness to receive and be inspired in your heart and mind as one.
In Peace
