The presumption of a separate independent 'me' eclipses awareness of Universal Being.
Universal Being has a local aspect - inclusive of all that is being where you presume to be, not merely as is identified by you but all That is arising to you - As You.
This can make no sense to the mind that differentiates itself from its own thought and experience - and from others - by focussing on perceived differences of form and ascribing its own meanings to them. Such a mind believes it is in the world, having an experience of its own, because imaginatively, such is being enacted upon the Very Light of the Awareness of Being - and taken and lived as real in itself.
The stirring of the awareness of Universal Being occurs below the threshold of the mind-in-definition - that is to say it is already True and Infinitely Alive, yet rendered as if invisible by the disregard inherent in the act of self-definition. The eclipsing mind began with a desire but was then fuelled by identity and supported by differentiation. It is a 'doing' without a true foundation in Being, which is why it cannot rest or abide in being, but must 'do' its being.
This is why to be still of such activity is to allow back into awareness, that which was disregarded, and notice anew from an altogether fresh perspective - and be known in the presence of Life.
The mind-in-definition interprets this message as simply another opportunity to get definition for itself, so it will attempt to 'do' the being still and listening - and thus involve itself with forms of mimicry amidst its own emotion backed imaginings. But the stirring of the intuition of Life will not engage or be satisfied in such a deception.
Only in the noticing and passing by of such strategies will there be release into awareness. Not through the collection of information to use in the world - but in the simple desire to release the mind-in-definition - and its world - so as to be the peace in which all is received as it is.
The Movement of Mind that restores integrated wholeness, as a true basis from which to Be out from - is Holy.
It is the Guidance and Presence of the Universal that is within you in the sense that your mind cannot actually separate off from or eradicate it, though your attention can be bound in distraction and effectively disregard the Holiness of your Being.
But in allowing and welcoming the More of You to guide and uncover You to you - is a Communion already active and present - restored to your capacity to partake of. The impulse towards an independence from true communication is a habit that seems to reset the mind-in-definition as if the experience of transcendence is either lost to the past or is unreal. This is simply a more conscious appreciation of the eclipse of the Universal by the urge of independence.
Living out from the practice of Guidance - from the feeling-knowing of Universal Being - is the bridge of a transformed and renewed identity that rests in communion. Without this awakened trust, the expansion into Universal Being will seem like death, and will be recoiled from and resisted.
For the capacity of love is that of overlooking the form and its associated 'meanings' - and recognizing the Beloved, without separation. This Vision cannot be found in the 'meanings' of the mind. It is the Gift of the Holy Spirit to release all guilt and welcome the light of true innocence as the reflected Light of Eternity.
In Peace