The transience and vanity of much of our human experience is brought home to us all by such a scale of sudden change as is occurring in Japan and revealed to the eyes of the world. Yet it is not in dwelling on or succumbing to the suggestion of destruction that will open the way to love's reality. Such as heart and mind can be found willing to accept. Willingness is the Gift that we grow only by the giving - and remains our true need amidst a wilfulness of thought in which we live out a sense of disconnected identity.
The seduction of the world is the suggestion that we can become comfortable here and abide in form based reality whilst still maintaining a private sense of existence. But this is the call of illusion.
Yet within the desire to awaken is the premise that all things serve awakening to truth. This can only be actualized in a true willingness to put our own thought aside in willingness to stand present with - that which we do not know but are willing to learn of anew.
It may be that this practice reveals humbling truths about just how weak is our willingness over and against our habits of thought - yet a true spark serves more than any amount of wishful thinking. And a spark nurtured with gratitude and appreciation grows.
In my own life, I have known calamity, and I have not restored the dead, or healed the afflicted in any worldly sense whatsoever. But I have opened more deeply and directly into the Soul as it abides in truth and as its true feeling cuts through the identification with definitions, things, persons and the wish-dreams of its own thought as if becoming real.
Yet insofar as I have known oneness with The Power of Everything that Oneness Is - has been in utter innocence of being - of delight and rapture of such self-nonconsequence that 'self' ceases to obscure the Awareness of Mind Itself - even as the interpretive experience of self, other, and world arise.
The rapture and delight of such an Intimacy is too close for thinking and yet is one with the very love and truth and beauty that is right here right now yet seen as 'in limited form'.
I share with you this blog from one of our Family in Japan.
It offers a personal scale perspective that counters the media fixation upon a scale of events that we humanly cannot take in.
Tears of love are opening the heart. Let love flow, that love Is, As it is. But the emotion of imagined dramatic scenarios is of a different source. This will cut off the flow of loving awareness.
True foundations are in the willingness to let truth Speak us.
May we be established in true relatedness and live out therefrom.
In Peace
We see all around us, foundations quake
human love,
human vanity,
Japan Earthquake,
love's reality,