nothing added.
nothing taken away.
is trust
no comparison
no anticipation
is at rest
of wholeness
of its thinker
Feels exactly
as is
Speak all things one
behold Glory
Is clear Love-Light!
No secrets to
no hiding
open is
not closing
full is
perfect engagement
relaxes to its
Source Condition
Giving wholly
as receiving
of no inward I
Lets the come and go
come and go
Abides with
Heart Knowing.
Freedom is
without constraint
nor bound to aught
but itself
- - - - - - -
Partially closed Consciousness
is experience-able fantasy within a mind
made to have such experience in.
It is a moment of no moment
for Here is given over to other moments of not here.
Attention shifts to forms accorded densities of meanings
whose only meaning is a wishful mind
scripted amidst its own disguised reflections.
What if truth were other than it Is?
for so a wish within a judgement seems.
And hiding itself that it might persist
is mind possessed of its own grasp.
Allay! - O clarity of being!
This movie's for a private showing.
A story told behind a mask
that multiplies diminishment
in fragmented limitation
a loveless self
sharing loss
to bitter dregs.
is such self-killing real?.
What is Real says no.
I didn't say it - it said for me.
And I feel the truth unalterable.
Even here.
Everything that is
is as it Is
and thus I now desire
to be undone of wishing my
step by step releasing
allows Reality
its Universal
In this place
on this chair
by this screen
brian in a moment
(Thankyou for inviting me)