
Patricia's passing. Dance as joy's embodiment

Greetings to all

I have heard that Patricia James-Richards has recently died via Kate of Norwich who heard via Stefan and Bethan.

I think Patricia started the first ever Norwich group after David Roberts had run a workshop.

She choreographed the Soweto Earth Dance if I recall correctly, and I would like to be able to sing it and make it part of the dances I share live.

I looked on Raymonds song source database but it isnt yet included.

If anyone knows the name and artist of the original music then please let me know. I may then be able to track down lyrics.
If not I get headphoned up and use a slowdowner program to go over and over and over it until I not only have a phonetic version that prompts me to sing in as close a manner as I can get - but also a gain a deep familiarity with the source.
I will have to do this anyway but access to lyrics helps a lot!

It might be a bit challenging to get this live but I keep being surprised at how well a lot of our dance music comes through when singing as a presence of heartfelt participation, so I am willing to have a go.

Depression was mentioned in connection with the news of Patricia's passing.
Who among us don't get caught in negative loops of one kind or another from time to time?

Whilst I don't think its enough to simply believe that love transcends death (which I do) I also hold that greetings can contain the timeless and somehow are sent and received in that time when 'the post' gets remembered.

It is too easy in modern times to be distracted from what is actually of real value and thereby lose perspective and get tangled up in blue.

Our dancing has the potential to simply hold a place of depth where we can regain and Be or embody our joy. Though the world at large may seem to be less uninterested in being in joy than getting tangled up, I feel to restate the obvious to ourselves here as it is a common experience we share whatever particular emphasis we each may prefer and such a joy DOES hold a real place in this world for sanity and renewal - because we each allow joy to come in and move through us.

in Love's blessing

When man made the ego,
God placed in him the call to joy.

A Course in Miracles