
What is Sovereignty?

What is Sovereignty?

True Sovereignty is free willingness - as contrasted by coercive or manipulative deceits.
The latter can be set up by conditioning in which a sense of self as deprived, threatened or pained is allowed or enabled to 'live' within the context and framework of believed or set 'conditions' - failure to meet resulting in penalty.
The human conditioning is regarded as the human condition - or the way of the world; the way life is. But as the article indicates, conditioned reaction is not true willingness so much as a compromise in which joy of wholeness is sacrificed to the demands of a 'god' external and other to Creation Itself - which is thus 'seen' as apart from its true Living Context - as a world of things and forces - all seeming to be separate things and conflicting and competing needs and natures.
The idea of free will has been subverted and usurped by the freedom to 'do' which is then seen as an initiative of a separate self sense - but all behaviour is initiated by the underlying matrix of definitions and beliefs through which the Movement of Being gives form as the desire to Know Thyself.
To know one's true will, the false must be noticed and left unused. Jesus shows a clear example - but it is not available to the old wine bottle paradigm.