Belief and the Gods: Is belief in the divine a fantasy?
The above discussion at prompted my response:
Underneath all of this is simply the nature of belief. There are those who believe their reality is NOT belief but provable. The dominant reality paradigm operates invisibly at a level that is simply assumed and acted out from as if self-evident. Where is this self?
Self-definition is the act through which all else follows - and is not the superstructure of personality identity strategy, but the template out of which the experience of a self-and-world arises to the focus within its theme ideas.
Conscious beliefs may be easily shown to be incongruent with actual behaviour. This indicates the juggling in consciousness of conflicting beliefs, and this in turn indicates conditionings by which who one feels to be and who one embodies as a relational presence are split or held apart.
This core split is deep in the human conditioning of all of us and so is 'invisible' - whilst being the most fundamental act from which all else cascades as ways to self-validate or self-justify - indeed prevail and persist or survive within the terms set by the original trauma or imprint by which consciousness 'split' as a result of a sense of overwhelm and inadequacy, into conflicted parts that play out at a shadow level or unconsciously - as well as on a surface level as presentation and domination of narrative - ie: judgement and the power to assert it.
Before one can begin, one needs perspective of free curiosity. Beliefs that block or deny such curiosity are indicative of the controlling denial aspect of the survival sense. To open these to transformation or evolving to less and less obstructive beliefs is not the realm of assertive and controlling judgement - but of honest insight free of the shaming blaming 'righteousness' of self-superior belief grown off of invalidating the other.
To try to communicate idea as a battle - no matter how intellectually posed - is a nonsense. Though a willingness for relationship can cut through any nonsense. A genuine relationship is not a set of rules that one imposes on another by which to be acceptable or valid. Such beliefs operate to make sure intimacy of Idea does not occur! For true Consciousness is Divinely and Already Presence - and we let into such a Living Fact in willingness or persist in the belief in a self that determines what definitions of reality-testing-experiencing are real and enforces them as a private mind.
The belief in a private mind is shared by all excepting lovers who feel and move within and as a wholeness of being - not split and not defined by symptoms of split. This is not a matter of belief - though belief can work against recognition. It is a matter of recognizing, owning and moving past belief to a quality of being that cannot be defined so as then to be an object of belief. But that the Ideas that are then called forth, accepted, and acted out or embodied, will be given full belief without making a private assertion of personal power from the movement. And so will not be in conflict with any other aspect of the whole. So there is no lack from which to seek proof or validation in order to get something - because one is fully engaged in embracing and embodying the life that is revealing or uncovering itself as you - with everyone.
This - written out - seems whatever it seems - but the writing is a pointer to something that is discoverable beneath the appearances we take for real - for whatever reasons and without judgement or blame for those reasons - for they worked in bringing you here - to this appreciation.