
Thoughts on reading A Course in Miracles

A seeming power of the Course is in revealing radically powerful insights - and yet if we are left only with a sense of how to, or an enthusiasm that is merely wishful, then we are not abiding in and being the insight but tying to fit it into 'old bottles'.

To become undone of a self-definition allows Life to move Intimately as a wholeness of being. But to be busy living out-from self-definition is to have objectified or disconnected a mind-imagination from Love's integration. All the feedback of our experience then shows this is so and the alert of such dissonance, calls for a pause in which to calm the mind by releasing attention and identification from our thoughts, and allowing and embracing the moment wholly as it is.

We don't know what it is. That is the freedom we have forgotten. For our not-knowing is letting God.

Grabbing the meanings on the page ignores the space between the words. Slowly reading in a living relationship with the author and source essence, allows the meanings that words can only point to in YOU. This Peace and Authority Is You - but while you habitually identify with your thoughts - they usurp your awareness of Love's Presence.

Let revealed truth abide as your Holy Spirit. Your Holy Spirit is the Voice and Guide in which you are reintegrated to True Being, and from a basis of true authority and peace. The coercive mind is always a sign of fear in hiding. This will not serve the purpose that is alive in your heart now. But seeing it and leaving your mind open (to your Holy Spirit), will.

In Peace
