That which is Alive - perhaps more accurately, That Which Is - is our Source, our Truth and our Nature - Self Evidently So.
The use of imagination and desire can make images and identifications of meaning of Is, and give priority to a sense of self garnered from such identifications, but nothing really can or has happened to Is.
The Gifts of Love that thread our experience of illusion, are Heaven Sent, if followed to their roots. For even a partial love contains the echo of love's truth and Truth is One.
An identification with forms and meanings associated and given to forms, is loss and the attempt to escape or cover the feelings of loss. But love is not a story frozen in images of the past to be engraved in pain upon a broken and bereft life.
The true blessings of the past are with you always - closer than you think. But trust that attention and intent are guided by That Which Knows, and allow that which cuts through the reality we thought real to illuminate a gift that could not otherwise be received. Though staying open in such a love seems to cut our very life away as we believed it to be.
And with the living, let them be recognized in the Living. You are in the Presence of the Living One and your gift of acceptance is not of the desires of image and identification, but is directly felt and received, whether there seem to be observable effects or not.
In Peace
Note: This response arose from one who said 'there are no such persons as dead', in expression of the Intuition of Life. The 'person' seems self evident - but is a construct that serves as a basis for an unquestioned life - lived out on surface as if an independent reality and suffered through as the 'human condition', when perhaps it would be better called the 'human conditioning'.