An IAI debate
While seemingly open to a wider range of ideas, the IAI approach still operates from presumptions that then frame the question.
The presumption of lack, be it inadequacy, separation or incompletion, becomes the basis of a false sense of self that is no more true for being mutually reinforced. Happiness actually comes first and extends and expresses itself as desire that then unfolds as an experience or reflection of completion. One is always arising anew from wholeness. The identification within a belief in self lack is being chosen and enacted and experienced as part of a greater desire whose meaning is an unfolding human being - which is infinitely more than our self concepts. One can say that exploring what is NOT true of you and does NOT fulfil your innate desire for love and life and happiness is part of the journey you have chosen whereby to more clearly recognize and re-member who you truly are. There is no sense of lack in your true presence - unless of course you choose to be less than the wholeness of what is You right here and now. But then you are experiencing your wholeness in a fragmented and dissociative way and not recognizing your Self at all!
Love is the true joy and freedom of being yourself. In any situation or relationship where you feel and allow the permission to be all that you are in that moment - you will feel loved and loving. Fantasy relationships substitute for actually extending that acceptance and freedom to another - which is the only way to have it yourself. The substitution of fantasy associations for living presence is self-deprivation. Struggling to defend a fantasy that reflects only your own sense of lack is chasing an idol of power or completion from the conviction you do not already have it and so give your power away to external props that do not know or care for who you truly are.
In a sense EVERYTHING is Imagination - but some thoughts, definitions and beliefs are more in accord and alignment with the core signature vibration that you absolutely recognize as YOU, so to align with and follow your joy is to connect with your joy to the best of your ability in every moment when you are presented with a choice. This is simple embodying and expressing a genuinely felt or true sense of worth. Why would you NOT align with your joy? What are you believing about yourself that invalidates you? Is it true? Does it serve you? Do you want it? Act from your current knowing while staying in the willingness to know more. or you can just talk and think about everything and act as if nothing you say actually means you have allow the transforming of who you thought you were
The presumption of lack, be it inadequacy, separation or incompletion, becomes the basis of a false sense of self that is no more true for being mutually reinforced. Happiness actually comes first and extends and expresses itself as desire that then unfolds as an experience or reflection of completion. One is always arising anew from wholeness. The identification within a belief in self lack is being chosen and enacted and experienced as part of a greater desire whose meaning is an unfolding human being - which is infinitely more than our self concepts. One can say that exploring what is NOT true of you and does NOT fulfil your innate desire for love and life and happiness is part of the journey you have chosen whereby to more clearly recognize and re-member who you truly are. There is no sense of lack in your true presence - unless of course you choose to be less than the wholeness of what is You right here and now. But then you are experiencing your wholeness in a fragmented and dissociative way and not recognizing your Self at all!
Love is the true joy and freedom of being yourself. In any situation or relationship where you feel and allow the permission to be all that you are in that moment - you will feel loved and loving. Fantasy relationships substitute for actually extending that acceptance and freedom to another - which is the only way to have it yourself. The substitution of fantasy associations for living presence is self-deprivation. Struggling to defend a fantasy that reflects only your own sense of lack is chasing an idol of power or completion from the conviction you do not already have it and so give your power away to external props that do not know or care for who you truly are.
In a sense EVERYTHING is Imagination - but some thoughts, definitions and beliefs are more in accord and alignment with the core signature vibration that you absolutely recognize as YOU, so to align with and follow your joy is to connect with your joy to the best of your ability in every moment when you are presented with a choice. This is simple embodying and expressing a genuinely felt or true sense of worth. Why would you NOT align with your joy? What are you believing about yourself that invalidates you? Is it true? Does it serve you? Do you want it? Act from your current knowing while staying in the willingness to know more. or you can just talk and think about everything and act as if nothing you say actually means you have allow the transforming of who you thought you were