
Sketches of direction for God Implicit

Consider that the Higgs field hypothesises an all pervading field in which certain particles acquire mass as a result.

Allow me to suggest a Field by which all manifest idea acquires consciousness. Existence itself is ALWAYS perfectly coincident with and inseparable from conscious awareness with NO exception.

Awareness or Mind is thus 'hidden' by adopting the concept of a separated 'mind' among other 'minds' in a world of bodies or materiality agreed to be or defined-accepted as OUTSIDE and APART from mind - which is limited to a 'self' felt to exist apart from and able to act upon its object-world so as to validate and express its own autonomy... to itself and to its 'others'.

The first part of what I wrote points toward the self-awareness-existence that cannot be objectified but which all objects attest to.

The second part is the adoption or identification with objects of awareness such as to presume or believe oneself as if separated the all in all and acting upon it. This is the play of forces of action/reaction, seeming to operate as a personal sense, which gives rise to a mechanical sense or a programmed conditioning of mind by its own self limiting factors.

To this sketch - for what could it be but a sketch - I suggest there is no outside God and no inside self apart from God. The examination of the mechanism by the mechanical yields a view of a machine - that seems to be present to experience through or use according to whatever purpose or desire is active.

To turn to the machine truths for guidance is to desire mechanical systems in place of the pristine wonder and quality of being that we are or that I Am.

The name of God in the Judeo-Christian aspect is pointing to the All Pervading and ONLY 'I Am'.

Your awareness of being is perfect evidence of I Am - with no interpretive role required whatsoever, but the mentality of a separate inner and secret sense of self equates this to its self concept.

The world as we generally mean it - as an externality, is always an interpreted event and never actually KNOWN. And yet there is no separation of awareness and event in true awareness.

Look for it now and find this self. You will not find it. No one has ever found it. No one will ever find it. There are self concepts that shift and change from moment to moment and there is a purpose of protecting and persisting as that sense of self demands.

Purposes are attributes of mental focus and not attributes of a material world presumed or desired external and separate from the event of beholding or recognizing.

The God of Unified Mind equates to an absence of self-world as separate states and is symbolized as threat and denied recognition in awareness. The projection of God as the Super Ego is that fear of love personified as the symbol of a power to kill that the denial of Life effectively enacts to a present awareness.

Power then is accorded to the separating and denying aspect of a conscious focus within the idea of self-alone or self-apart or self-over and is displaced from love's unified appreciation of its Allness in every part.

Truth - as the IS - simply IS and nothing at all can be added or taken from Is but that a state of is-not or unreality is explored as idea.

The word or concept 'God' is one that has and can be used to point to that which only is and yet which can never be objectified or defined.

To the mind predicated on self-world definitions it therefore does not exist except as mere wordplay to no practical effect

But within Itself it is perfectly shared and definitions of separated or split purpose have no actual foundation - though the experience arising from their identification seems real to that identification.